True! As most industrial equipment out there prefers PAI > RPID > From. 

Daniel Tryba <> wrote:
>On Saturday 22 February 2014 02:16:01 arun Jayaprakash wrote:
>> Alex, thank you for your pointers. I will work with Asterisk to see
>how I
>> can change the caller ID instead of messing with the UAC module.
>> again.
>You might want to check what happens when you fix the header:
>P-Preferred-Identity: "7004" <>
>by simply deleting it and adding a correct one. 

Sent from my mobile, and thus lacking in the refinement one might expect from a 
fully fledged keyboard. 

Alex Balashov - Principal 
Evariste Systems LLC
235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
Suite 106
Decatur, GA 30030
United States
Tel: +1-678-954-0671

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