Gee whizz, Sir Walter,

 BTUs--Don't give me all that  technical jargon--ask an intelligent Brit
who hasn't arrived in the colonies yet ('cos they are intelligent!). I
tried everything from rubbing alcohol to Beefeaters and don't notice any
difference. Presently I am using  the methanol (or is it ethanol) used for
drag racers. -I get 5 gallons for $15. However I am going to try pure
shellac etc as you suggest altho' I am sure I have already tried it.

If your Mikado  is steaming so well it means that you have done a good job
packing the wicks correctly with the right  heighth. (Oh Yeah, plus new
batteries in the suction fan!) All this is the key to a good fire and
speedy steam pressure raising in my humble opinion  and long experience!
--A-Hem!! What are your wicks--I still have the best results with
fiberglass, all things considered.

Uncle Geoffie.

Here's a question for Uncle Goeffie ---- What is the British Thermal Unit
>raring for Methanol and Ethanol. Bob Hekemian suggested I try "Pure Shellac
>Thinner, Solvent Alcohol, Alcohol stove fuel." That stuff is essentially wood
>alcohol. The Mikado steamed up in four minutes with about 450cc of water in
>the boiler. Had to run the loco with the alcohol valve just barely cracked
>open to keep the safety's from popping while pulling 5 heavyweight Aristo
>Pullman cars. (I know they are not to scale, but they are "to budget") That
>stuff is a lot hotter than ethanol from Ace hardware.
>Soon as I get a chance I'll try it in the Americanized Mogul, it is not a
>good runner for me, maybe this will make the difference.
>The wood alcohol also seems to have less obnoxious fumes than the ethanol.
>What say you, Sir Goeff? know your BTU's?
>Keeping the steam up better!
>Walt & Mr. Lunk


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