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- Manuel told the BBC that the right to establish the
destiny of the 1,300 missing Serbs who disappeared in
the spring of the responsibility of the
Hague Tribunal....
- Susan Manuel added that if the International Hague
War Tribunal... brought charges against Albanian
leaders..."it would definitely make political
- The UNMIK spokesperson added that no charges had so
far been brought against Kosovo Albanians, which meant
that all political leaders could freely run for office
in the upcoming elections....
- Asked whether the fact that Serbian authorities had
issued warrants of arrest for...Hashim Thaci and Ramus
Hajradinaj, would have any effect on their
participation in the elections, Manuel said, "I don't
know anything about those warrants....we have not
considered that possbility so far," she concluded.


Manuel: The Hague to decide destiny of missing Serbs
from Kosovo
July 13, 2001

London, July 13, 2001 (Tanjug) - The police of the UN
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo-Metohija
(UNMIK) and members of the Serbian police (MUP) today
start the process of exchanging data and comparing
proof material on missing Serbs from Kosovo, UNMIK
spokesperson Susan Manuel said.

However, Manuel told the BBC that the right to
establish the destiny of the 1,300 missing Serbs who
disappeared in the spring of 1999, i.e. in the first
three months after the international forces had
entered Kosovo-Metohija, is the responsibility of the
Hague Tribunal for war crimes in the former

"The Tribunal announced sending teams who would deal
with that problem next week", said Manuel.

Manuel also said that UNMIK had signed an agreement
with the International Missing Persons Bureau on
performing DNA tests in order that the bodies be

"There are still undug graves, and we have found more
than 1,000 dead bodies which have not been
identified", she added. Manuel stated that UNMIK "does
not want to exclude the possibility that someone could
be alive."

"Whenever we had information about camps or houses in
which Serbs were imprisoned, we sent international
police forces and KFOR there but no one has yet been
found", said the UNMIK spokesperson.

Susan Manuel added that if the International Hague War
Tribunal for former Yugoslavia brought charges against
Albanian leaders in Kosovo-Metohija, "it would
definitely make political difficulties".

She said that UNMIK head Hans Haekkerup "had publicly
said that UNMIK would fully cooperate with the Hague
tribunal and that this cooperation would include the
extradition of the accused".

The UNMIK spokesperson added that no charges had so
far been brought against Kosovo Albanians, which meant
that all political leaders could freely run for office
in the forthcoming elections in Kosovo-Metohija. 

Asked whether the fact that Serbian authorities had
issued warrants of arrest for leaders of the
Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Alliance for the
Future of Kosovo, Hashim Tacci and Ramus Hajradinaj,
would have any effect on their participation in the
elections, Manuel said "I don't know anything about
those warrants".

"UNMIK has not yet been informed, but it would be
interesting to have that information. We have not
considered that possibility so far", concluded Manuel.


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