
I got a Tiles template design question. I have a web site like Amazon.com
using Tabs to navigate around a set of HTML Form elements. Each Page has a 
HTML Form that contain lots of HTML Input elements. I have written the JSP
in the first phase to be monolithic and now I want to break down the
layout to use Tiles. 

I want to take advantage of the fact, that certain areas of the layout
design are shared. Unfortunately I have run in to difficulty because 
they want a specific design that forces me to run an <html:form> outside
all the shareable and non-shareable tiles. 

Ideally, I would like to dynamically set the name of the `action' tag 
of <html:form> below. I would like to say action="/Main.do" and then 
action="/Shipping.do" for a single template layout. How can I do this, 
using TILES? Otherwise I will have to create template layouts 
for each tab page. (Yuck)

Also is it good practice to have template layout within templates layout?

// This is a template layout.jsp

<!-- Search form -->
<tiles:insert attribute="customer-search-form" />       
        <%-- e.g. ``customerSearchPrompt.jsp'' grabs a CRM record 
                from database. This tile is common to all 
                tabbed pages

<html:form action="..." />

     <!-- Order Type and Id -->
     <tiles:insert attribute="form-header" />   
        <%-- e.g. `sectionHeaderType.jsp' common to all tabs --%>
     <!-- Core Tab Navigation -->
     <tiles:insert attribute="tab-navigation" />                
        <%-- e.g. `tabNavigation.jsp' common to all tabs -->
     <!-- Form area -->
     <tiles:insert attribute="form-content" />  
        <%-- e.g.``MainTab.jsp'', ``ShippingTab.jsp'' 
                this is the heart of the form entry area.
                This tile will change from tab page to tab page.
     <!-- Form action -->
     <tiles:insert attribute="form-action" />   
        <%-- e.g. `MainActions.jsp'', ``ShippingActions.jsp''
                Each tab page shares a set of common buttons, 
                but has it possible for a tab page to have its
                own custom buttons.
                This tile will change from tab page to tab page.


Any ideas appreciated, MTIA

Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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