Has nobody anything to say on this problem?


DynaBean myBean = ....
DynaBean newBean = mybasicdynaclass.newInstance();

Map myMap = myBean.descibe();

Object[] keys = mymap.keySet().toArray();

for(int = i;i < keys.length;i++) {
        String key = keys[i].toString();

newBean.set(key,"SOME VALUE");


now i'm getting a NoSuchMethodException when i the keys i'm extracting are fine.

when i'm setting values i'm getting Illegalinputexception or such....

I'm getting my original dynaBeans from ResultSetDynaClass.. which could be a potental issue but the same happens when i copy the properties to a xerox bean exactly like the docs example...

It could also be My BasicDynaBean constructer,,,,

many thanks


Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:02 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties i wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map and exstracting the names with the keySet() method....



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