I have an ActionForm with the following:

ArrayList msoIds;

public ArrayList getMsoIds() {
        return msoIds;

public void setMsoIds(ArrayList msoIds) {
        this.msoIds = msoIds;

Now I have a JSP that displays a <select> with the ability to select

<html:select multiple="true" property="msoIds" 
    styleId="msoIds" size="10">
    <html:options collection="userMsoList" property="value" 

However, as you probably know, I get an exception when Struts does
BeanUtils.copyProperties - can't convert String to ArrayList.

I tried adding indexed setters for the multiple select:

    public String getMsoIds(int index) {
        return (String) msoIds.get(index);

    public void setMsoIds(int index, String msoId) {
        msoIds.set(index, msoId);

but this results in the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 'msoIds' has no setter

I saw stuff in the mailing list about naming the indexed properties
different, and I tried this (also renaming the <select>), but then my page
stops loading when it hits the new name (allowedMSOs).  Using tiles hides
all the errors :(.  

Any ideas are appreciated.


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