I've been exploring the co-mingling of container-based security and struts
actions through FORM-based authentication.  While many options have been
presented and discussed (including subclassing the Action and directly
calling container-managed security methods), it seems to me (a newbie) that
one obvious solution has not been addressed:

What are the side-effects of directly pointing the error and login pages
directly to a struts action (in the example below /login.do) , rather than
to an HTML or JSP file?  For example:


And in the view of the login form:

<form method="POST" action="j_security_check">
  Username: <input type="text"     name="j_username"><br />
  Password: <input type="password" name="j_password"><br />

If this won't work, what about pointing the login and error pages to a JSP,
and using a <logic:forward> or a <tiles:insert> tag in the file to handle
the request through struts?

Am I missing something subtle (or not so subtle)?  Thanks in advance.

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