On 16 March, 2014 - Venkatesh Shukla IIT BHU wrote:

> Glance
> I have been trying to compile the libdivecomputer for android. I underwent
> the following steps.
> 1. I cloned your repo https://github.com/glance-/subsurface-android
> 2. I editted the build.sh script for proper path to android_sdk ,
> android_ndk and Qt5.2.1
> 3. I ran the bash script using bash build.sh It started by fetching git
> repo - libdivecomputer and subsurface. Libdivecomputer was successfully
> fetched but while executing git submodule update, the following error
> occurred.
> fatal: reference is not a tree: e0610361518e71c6d4964d3c3cbd0a6097399034
> Unable to checkout 'e0610361518e71c6d4964d3c3cbd0a6097399034' in submodule
> path 'subsurface'

Dunno. The tree exists:

Btw, thats a quite old subsurface thats in that repo, so rebase those
patches on a newer subsurface would probably be a good thing.

> I tried the commands  a) git submodule foreach git fetch and b) git fetch
> --recurse-submodules after some googling but it didn't help. Still the
> above error would jump up on git update submodule.
> 4. I bypassed the git update submodule command. Rest of the bash script
> worked fine until this error
> Could not find qmake configuration file android-g++.
> Error processing project file: ../subsurface/subsurface.pro

I would guess that you downloaded a qt build without android support.
The Qt5 I was using was "Qt 5.2.1 for Android (Linux 64-bit, 846 MB)"
downloaded from http://qt-project.org/downloads

> Maybe this is because subsurface wasn't built up. The subsurface directory
> contains files of subsurface but subsurface-build is empty.
> What could I do to overcome this? It is a major hurdle for me.
> I am interested in the android divecomputer downloader and this application
> is its foundation.
> Please help.

I started to rebase those patches but i ran out of steam when trying to
whip libgit2 into the build chain.

I pushed out what it looks like so far.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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