On 11/03/2010 04:24 AM, Anish Mangal wrote:

Thank you for the patch, however,

* I'd prefer two patches for two different changes (layout
compatibility fix, edit toolbar), as I mailed earlier.
* Your patch moves the activity-exit button to the left for sugar
0.88+. This [1] is how it should look.
* Regarding the layout-fix, your patch introduces a 'new toolbar' to
contain the run/stop/clear buttons. There have been discussions on
list[2] and on IRC w/ erikos, garycmartin (IIRC), and we had decided
on keeping the old pippy layout for sugar<=0.84. I'd like to keep it
that way unless you can throw a good argument into the mix.

Yeah, this is true we did already argue about it. Though, I think that the changes Gonzalo is proposing do make sense. They make Pippy being aligned to the Sugar lookalike both for the old and for the new toolbar.

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