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Greg Smith wrote:
| That said, I don't think we can address many (any?) of these things in
| 8.2.0 due to the constraints that Kim mentioned.

I fully expect this work to wait until after 8.2.0 is out.

| Can you send and/or paste in to the 9.1.0 wiki links to further
| documentation or history on your points?
| These four in particular, but any other details also appreciated:
| - bug ids for the "amazing variety of terrible bugs"

I didn't have anything too specific in mind, and quite a lot of the
important ones have been fixed, which is very exciting.  I will merely
note that there are 149 open bugs currently marked "blocker" in Trac, and
another 600+ marked "high priority".

| - Links to specifications on the 5 datastore design proposals
| - Links to file sharing proof of concept programs
| - Links to "develop" specs and documentation on how it works now

Added to the wiki.

| Brief comments on your top 6 items:
| 1 - Datastore
| Are you saying the current datastore has the functionality but its
| buggy, or that new core functionality is needed?

Both.  I do get the impression that the reports of random data loss from
the schools have been resolved, which is good.

| 4 - Activity modification
| I want to hear more demand from the users, but its clearly part of our
| core mission. We need scoping to prioritize this re: 9.1.0

I don't think you're going to hear demand from users until after this
feature is in place.  This is a feature that most computer users wouldn't
even dream of, because it is outside the box drawn by makers of standard
desktop operating systems.  It has never occurred to these users that, in
the middle of writing a document in Microsoft Word, they could press a
button to read, or modify, Word's source code.

| 6 - Power
| Should be much better in 8.2.0.

Agreed.  What I've heard so far will be cause for celebration when it's

| I'd like to see a design proposal and
| scoping for your additional suggestions. That should include real use
| cases (e.g. XO only chirping on wireless, XO not networking and user
| away for long time, XO not networking and user away for short time, etc.).

I'm not sure if any such document has been drawn up.  It shouldn't be too
hard to write, as every aspect of this problem has been discussed ad nauseam.

| BTW lots of architectural challenges were raised on the list lately. Its
| a great discussion but I hope it doesn't distract too much from the
| focus of improving "stability" in 8.2.0. We're in the home stretch on
| that and we need it working in the field ASAP.
| I hope we can manage two subjects in parallel:
| - deliver highest possible quality in 8.2.0
| - design/discuss 9.1.0

I'm also perfectly happy to pause future-planning discussion until 8.2.0
is in QA.

- --Ben
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