     I am sorry to only be a source of pointers and not direct references.  Two references are:

1. The sky compass which is an instrument used to navigate in high latitudes.  This is mentioned in American Practical Navigator by Bowditch (1962 edition at least).

2. The book Polarized Light in Nature by G. P. Konnen mentions Nichol prisms which are early polarizing filters.

You might look up also Nichol prisms, and I know that I have seen, presumably in one of the popular sundial books, a sundial based on a Nichol prism made by Wheatstone.
If you get any more specific info, please post it,  Thanks.

Steve Madden

David Rose wrote:

This is one last attempt to find someone out there with
information on building polarization sundials. Any takers?

Dave Rose

                   Name: drose.vcf
   drose.vcf       Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
               Encoding: 7bit
            Description: Card for David Rose

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