> Please reconsider this change if at all possible.  I keep tripping 

Dear all,

of course I can change the reply style back to what was before. I
the style because some people on the list asked me to do so. The current
style is widely used on other mailing lists. There are pros and cons for
both styles. On the one hand useful information on a topic might only be
sent to the questioner, on the other hand the list can get a lot of
only to be intended for the questioners (e.g. native language and/or
personal comments).

Anyway, a change between these styles needs some time to get used to it.

My idea now is to try out for - let's say - two weeks with this new
Then I will send out a questionnaire and we can make a majority

By the way, traffic could be reduced by quoting only relevant text

Thank you for your contributions to this list!

Regards -

- Daniel Roth, sundial mailing list

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