Hand shadows on a wall of barking dogs, flying birds.
Chinese shadow puppet shows.
Proof of fake UFO photos.
Proof of fake Big foot photos.
Proof of photos that have been photo shopped when the shadows aren't correct.
Astronomers use shadows for lots of things?
Shadows keep me cool when I am protected by one on a hot day.

I think there are probably lots of good uses of shadows.


On 7/8/2011 1:40 PM, Brent wrote:
Hello again;

I was looking at an aerial photograph of a piece of property
with a surveyor.

We started to discuss when the photo was taken.
We could tell by the brown vegetation that it was probably
late summer here in So. California.

I also noticed a shadow cast from a telephone pole.

I think by measuring the height of the pole, the length and
angle of the shadow I might be able to figure out what day
of the year it was taken and the time. I would have to know
the latitude and longitude to do this. I knew the top of the
photo was north.

I started to think if I only knew the day and time the photo
was taken I might be able to determine the latitude and

So I wonder if police ever use shadows in their investigations?

For example, a video of a terrorist holding a hostage. The
hostage holding a newspaper showing the date. They are
outside with visible shadows being cast. Could we figure out
where they are holding the hostage?

How about if the police say I ran a Redlight at 3pm on a
certain date and they have a photograph to prove it.
Maybe if they were wrong, I could prove my innocence by the
shadows cast by my car.

So guess the big question is, does anyone make practical use
of shadows?

thanks again;



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