On 2/13/2010 7:34 AM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>> As many of you know, AT&T is doing away with its WorldNet service and
>> switching those users to its Dial Internet service. After making the
>> appropriate changes to my server settings in SeaMonkey, I get the
>> following error message every time I poll for new mail:
>> ============================================================
>> Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch
>> You have attempted to establish a connection with "ipostoffice.att.net".
>> However, the security certificate presented belongs to
>> "ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net". It is possible, though unlikely, that
>> someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site.
>> If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to
>> "ipostoffice.att.net", please cancel the connection and notify the site
>> administrator.
>> [View Certificate] [OK] [Cancel] [Help]
>> ============================================================
>> Now, of course, I confidently click the [OK] button, but I'm wondering
>> if there's a way to program SeaMonkey to ignore this particular error
>> from this particular site, so I don't have to intervene every 20 minutes
>> whenever SM tries to get mail.
>> Thanks.
> Someone will give you a precise answer which I don't have. However, you 
> might find something if you visit Edit, Preferences, Privacy & Security, 
> Certificates

Step #1:  Notify the ATT Help Desk that they are trying to use an
invalid site certificate to establish a secure session.

David E. Ross

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