On 2/13/2010 3:56 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> As many of you know, AT&T is doing away with its WorldNet service and 
> switching those users to its Dial Internet service. After making the 
> appropriate changes to my server settings in SeaMonkey, I get the 
> following error message every time I poll for new mail:
> ============================================================
> Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch
> You have attempted to establish a connection with "ipostoffice.att.net". 
> However, the security certificate presented belongs to 
> "ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net". It is possible, though unlikely, that 
> someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site.
> If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to 
> "ipostoffice.att.net", please cancel the connection and notify the site 
> administrator.
> [View Certificate]    [OK]    [Cancel]        [Help]
> ============================================================
> Now, of course, I confidently click the [OK] button, but I'm wondering 
> if there's a way to program SeaMonkey to ignore this particular error 
> from this particular site, so I don't have to intervene every 20 minutes 
> whenever SM tries to get mail.
> Thanks.

The CN on the certificate (which happens to be ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net)
needs to match the name of the host you're accessing (which happens to be
ipostoffice.att.net) or you'll get this warning.

If AT&T told you to use "ipostoffice.att.net", then they're certificate is
configured with with the wrong name.

However, notice that both host names point to the same host (ping both
names, and you'll see they evaluate to the same IP address) - so you
can just change the host name you're using to the one expected by the
certificate (ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net) and the warning will go

If AT&T told you to use the other name, however, then I would expect
this to work only until they correct the certificate with the proper

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