On 7/29/2011 10:17 AM, WLS wrote:
John Mckenzie wrote:
On 7/28/2011 7:58 PM, WLS wrote:
John Mckenzie wrote:
I think that I have just about had it with SM2.2. It did not save or
what ever my passwords and tabbed browsing sucks donkeys. i am going
nuts using this atrocious browser.


Try 2.4a2.

I do not think so.

Just trying to push you over the edge. :)

What exactly do you mean when you say it did not save or what ever your

Are you trying to register at a new site and SM 2.2 isn't asking if you
want it to remember passwords?

My passwords are still there from my default profile I have been using
since 2.0.x. I can't recall trying to register at any new sites, and add
new passwords, so can't comment on whether that works or not.

I do know some of the sites I went to in SM 2.0.x, I wasn't asked if I
wanted to save the password when I registered. Same with Fx 3.6.x. I
guess I should throw a tantrum.

They are financial sites and I just figured it was an extra bit of
security on their part, How silly of me to not recognize it was the
browsers fault.

Tabbed browsing can be turned off by editing the preferences. Look in
Browser > Link Behavior and Browser > Tabbed Browsing.

The only passwords in PasswordManager were the ones that I used after updating to SM2.2. My wife did the updated too and it lost some of her email addresses in addressbook.

I keep a all my passwords in another location so I did not really loose anything but, SM obviously did not update properly.
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