----- Original Message ----- From: "John Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Automotive Black Box

it only records the last 5 seconds

I am sure that is what the brochure says. For now that is probably the way it works, and as has been stated by Martin it is indeed a viable method of check and balance, however it is the potential for abuse that I don't like.

and it holds them when the airbags deploy so as long as you weren't speeding in the last 5 seconds (unlikely if you decelerated to get off the ramp) then you are not going to get nailed by your EDR. the EDR can be used just as well to save your neck. I am a firefighter and we see some weird accidents,

Like tow truck drivers eh? People have no idea what goes on out there.

just the other day we had one where a guy was going about 10-15 and he lost control of his vehicle and rolled it (there was an odd shape to the side of the road) his EDR might save him the ticket and the corresponding increase in his insurance.

Did it record the road surface imbalance so he could have useful information to use in his case against that DOT or is this miracle of modern tech only good in one direction ?

there is also no legal precedent established as to who owns the data in your EDR and what access you need to allow to it.

Therefore ...?

I would argue that as long as I own the EDR I can tell people (the police included) what access they get to the data contained therein. I think that with a good lawyer I could win that case.

Ok, so you have laid out a bundle of money to have a snooper in your glove box (!) and no one is certain *who* owns the information in the spy that you paid for, and now you need a *good* lawyer to see to it that you don't get screwed.
I think you just made my point.
If the thing isn't there to serve you, the owner of the snooper, then it is there as a spy and is an infrigement on a whole mess of potential freedoms. The very fact that there is no proprietary ownership of the data proves that the thing isn't there as a friend. Why would I want to purposely have something installed in a vehicle that I must pay for just to have it paternalize me?

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