Hi everyone,

        Well I finally put forth the effort to switch to BD and am putting the
finishing touches on my processor. I will be using a pump for mixing and was
wondering about pvc and hoses. Im trying to decide if I should plumb my
processor with some pvc pipe or plastic tubing. I found low density
polyethylene at the hardware store and lots of vinyl tubing.  I think the
vinyl is bad with BD if im not mistaken but is the low-density stuff ok? I
know high density polyethylene is what a lot of buckets are made of and that
stuff is ok with BD but what about the low density stuff. Also there was
talk about people using pvc for plumbing  on their processor but I had
trouble finding stuff about it in the archives. Is pvc a better choice to
use on my processor then the other types of plastic tubing? Thanks for the

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