Hi Quentin,

> I know this has been posted before (see
> http://osflash.org/pipermail/swfmill_osflash.org/2006-January/000361.html)
> but no answer was made...
> The thing is, I get a lot of these errors :
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x74
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x39
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x0F
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x19
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xD4
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xD3
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x6F
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xA3
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xB2
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x1E
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xAF
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x49
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x95
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x64
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xB5
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x54
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x08
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xCA
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x6A
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x3C
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x11
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x96
> >
> > WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xD3
> And so on...

There are indeed no fill styles with the above types. I suspect that
there's an error somewhere processing a shape or some other record,
and either too much or too little data is read, then when swfmill
looks for the next fillstyle record it finds random data instead.

> In some quite complex graphics I run into this problem and can't find a way
> through...
> You'll find attached a SWF that contains a vector graphic that causes this
> trouble.

Can you please post this as a bug on the Trac site?

> ps : I've begun testing my 400 SWF I was talking about earlier and that's
> why I'm posting lots of requests, hope this isn't too much at a time...

No worries, at least not from my point of view. It's good to see
someone giving swfmill a thorough workout, and we can't fix bugs we
don't know about :o)



Steve Webster

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