Hi there!
I'm having some trouble with 2 of my many SWF files that I need to "stamp"
via Swfmill, let me explain what's wrong...

I've got lots of SWFs that all need to be stamped (via Swfmill) so I've
written a very simple XML file that creates a library, adds the original SWF
and the "stamp" SWF, and then places both of the loaded SWFs on the stage.
And everything is ok, except for 2 of my original SWF files...
In fact, it does work, but it is very slow... It takes around one minute to
output the newly created SWF (and my server doesn't like it very much). And
the same operation takes only half a second for all the other original SWFs,
which weigh almost the same amount of bytes (around 500K).

What is weird is that when I use swf2xml to convert the (slow) original
SWFs, or even xml2swf, it runs pretty fast and without any warning or
error... So I believe those SWFs aren't corrupted or buggy!

Maybe the (very long) time it takes comes from the "swfmill simple" option
Hope someone out there will have a clue... Thanks in advance!


ps : If you need my "swfmill simple stamper" XML file, please let me know, I
could also share (via email) the SWFs that slow things down, but I'm not
allowed to upload it to the Trac site, sorry about that...
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