On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Farhad Seyedmehdi <a_h_seyedme...@yahoo.com
> wrote:

> Hello
> I just found 2 problem and I appreciate if  comeone can have a look to it.
> I just used the latest version of swftools from the date *
> swftools-2009-08-24-2042.rar<http://www.swftools.org/swftools-2009-08-24-2042.rar>
> **  *but in some complex pdf it does not create swf and it produce error.
> First problem
> =========
> I used the following command :
> pdf2swf.exe -j90 -q -T8 -G -qq -X 455 -Y 563 -f -F D:\SWFTools\fonts -s
> zoom=55 -s multiply=4 -s linksopennewwindow -s poly2bitmap -s linknameurl -s
> enablezlib -s bboxvars -s flashvers ion=8 -s jpegquality=80 -s
> splinequality=100 fbfa285bb91a.pdf -o 3c96dc83bc25.swf
> pdf is http://www.farsinetwork.com/farhad/fbfa285bb91a.pdf
If  I remove poly2bitmap I got the following error
> see error     http://www.farsinetwork.com/farhad/error.JPG
> with poly2bitmap no swf will be created.
I tried your pdf in xpdf viewer and it crashes.
So It seems that the problem is in xpdf library that swftools is using to
parse pdf's

> problem 2:
> After error the pdf2swf tool is waiting for OK button see in error above
> which if you run pdf2swf using a java web application you never see OK and
> pdf2swf will hanging for ever and waiting for someone to press OK even if
> using -q it still asking for OK button. I think the error messages should be
> displayed just as a text format not windows.
This is a Windows popup.

I'm not very familiar with windows, but ...
...do you have visual studio installed in that machine?

I think I already saw that dialog in machines with visual studio.


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