On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:48 PM, jean-michel.voicechat_fan
<jeanmichel.g...@free.fr> wrote:
> it must a stupid question but i don t know the answer
> in a module with two classes as shown in this link
> http://jeanmichel.gens.free.fr/swfc/twoclass.sc
> how to use a global variable  defined  in the main class ( or root ) from
> the second class

I think you can do this:
    package {
        import flash.display.*
        import flash.text.TextField ;
        import flash.geom.* ;
        import flash.events.* ;
        import Date ;
        var glob:String ="I'm a global var";

now you can read/write to glob in your Main class and User class

but be aware that global vars, in generally, is not a good approach.

PS: I'm not sure if I fully understand your question.


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