I have approximately 40 pdf files in a directory... I want to convert all
these PDFs to SWFs. For this i need pdf information so that i can convert
all the pages of PDFs to SWF pages.

Out of these 40 PDF's I get error in almost 20 files...

To get PDF information i use the following command

*CommandText: pdf2swf '-I' '-Q' '20'
and get the following error...
*Error*: Unable to get pdf information

*NOTE*: This command executed successfully when I run this manually with
different user context (*on LINUX Server*) for that specific PDFs whereas
fails to execute when run through the php script under webmaster user. If
there is some problem with the user rights then all files should give the
same error through webmaster user but almost in 50% cases, it gives required
information. I did not get any issue with PHP script with windows server.

Any body having any idea ????


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