Just an aside to this..

Try changing the version specified in the .flash line to
than 8, then compile and run again.


Versions 8 and upward handle accessing external URLs
in a slightly different way.


On 7 July 2010 07:47, pascal fautrero <admin.paulb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, Iosif budulai found where I was wrong. I worked on my local machine
> and never thought it could be different if I tried on a server. So :
> getURL("http://www.google.com";, "_blank");
> this command works fine (if I store the swf file on a server) but it fails
> if the swf file is located on my machine.
> Thanks to Mark Lee and Iosif budulai for their help.
> Regards,
> 2010/7/6 Mark Lee <marcusantoniousl...@yahoo.ca>
>> Maybe put some quotes around url, like getURL("url", "_blank") and see if
>> that works. I don't have a clue.
>> Mark
>> ________________________________
>> From: pascal fautrero <admin.paulb...@gmail.com>
>> To: swftools-common@nongnu.org
>> Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 1:28:30 PM
>> Subject: [Swftools-common] swfc + getURL
>> Hi,
>> Since a week, I try and test swfc to create small banners. It is really
>> easy to use ! Thanks a lot for this useful tool. I just encounter a trouble
>> using the instruction getURL. I explain.
>> I have just created a small button like this :
>>     .button MyButton
>>             .show bouton scale=100% as=area
>>             .show bouton scale=100% as=idle
>>             .show bouton scale=100% as=shape
>>             .show bouton scale=100% alpha=60% as=hover
>>             .on_release:
>>                 getURL("hello.html", "_blank");
>>             .end
>> It works nice. My file hello.html is called properly. But, if a change the
>> url parameter like that :
>>                 getURL("http://www.google.com";, "_blank");
>> It does not work anymore. If I decompile the swf file, I see that the
>> instruction has been modified like this :
>>                 getURL("http://www.google.com";, "_blank";
>> The right bracket has disappeared.
>> So, I tried to modify this instruction like this :
>>                 url = "http://www.google.com";;
>>                 getURL(url, "_blank");
>> Now, the right bracket does not disappear anymore but...the command getURL
>> is not executed. Where I am wrong ?
>> For now, the only solution I found is to open my file hello.html where I
>> do a html redirection (meta-redirect) to www.google.com.
>> Thanks
>> Regards,
>> Pascal
> --
> Pascal Fautréro
> Collège Paul Bert
> Malakoff - 92

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