Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 23, 2017, at 9:48 PM, Charles Srstka <> wrote:
>> On Mar 23, 2017, at 8:35 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> On Mar 23, 2017, at 8:27 PM, Drew Crawford <> wrote:
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 23, 2017, at 6:41 PM, David Hart <> wrote:
>>>> I have difficulties imagining a submodule proposal that could allow us to 
>>>> eliminate fileprivate. Care to give an example?
>>> The obvious example would be Rust.  Rust has exactly two visibilities, and 
>>> merely one keyword.  By default, members are "private" which is visible 
>>> inside the module (so, like Swift's internal). The "public" keyword is 
>>> similar to Swift. 
>>> The reason this works is that unlike in Swift where a module is something 
>>> like a library or framework (Rust calls those "crates"), in Rust modules in 
>>> are (explicitly) lexically scoped; a "mod myscope {}" module can be created 
>>> for the portion of the file for which the member should be visible and it 
>>> won't be visible outside that scope. Likewise, "fileprivate" can be 
>>> achieved by enclosing the file in a "mod MyFile {}". And like all lexical 
>>> scopes, they can be recursively nested to arbitrary depth to achieve any 
>>> number of visibility behaviors (e.g., declare a module for the first half 
>>> of two files) that would require complex new keywords to achieve in Swift. 
>>> Finally there are some shortcut features like the ability to infer a module 
>>> structure from the file system. 
>> This is a good example of what I meant.  There is an extremely broad range 
>> of possible designs for submodules.  Some of them, such as this example, 
>> would make it relatively easy to get by without fileprivate.  There are also 
>> many other possible designs that would not.  
>> We do not have any idea where Swift will end up yet.  It's not reasonable to 
>> make any assumptions about what use cases the eventual design might or might 
>> not address.
> Then why not leave private and fileprivate alone until we do?

That is what I have suggested, with an alternative of renaming if we feel 
compelled to make a change now.

> Charles
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