Status: Valid
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Printing

New issue 3354 by Minus sign in front of Piecewise is not centered

In [83]: -Piecewise((0, Abs(1/y) < 1), (1, Abs(y) < 1), (y*meijerg(((2, 1), ()), ((), (1, 0)), 1/y), True))
 ⎧                                │1│
-⎪            0               for │─│ < 1
 ⎪                                │y│
 ⎨            1               for │y│ < 1
 ⎪  ╭─╮0, 2 ⎛2, 1       │ 1⎞
 ⎪y⋅│╶┐     ⎜           │ ─⎟   otherwise
 ⎩  ╰─╯2, 2 ⎝      1, 0 │ y⎠

In [84]: pprint(-Piecewise((0, Abs(1/y) < 1), (1, Abs(y) < 1), (y*meijerg(((2, 1), ()), ((), (1, 0)), 1/y), True)), use_unicode=False)
 /                                |1|
-|            0               for |-| < 1
 |                                |y|
 <            1               for |y| < 1
 |   __0, 2 /2, 1       | 1\
 |y*/__     |           | -|   otherwise
 \  \_|2, 2 \      1, 0 | y/

The minus sign seems to be centered on the first expression, not the whole thing.

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