For years, I've been hearing that effective text editing is essential to
productive coding, but I'd never really taken the time to move beyond
Notepad++, Text Mate, and gedit. I've recently started using vim, and I'm
really impressed. I can already see the dramatic advantages of things like
vim's advanced motion commands.

But so far, this hasn't really translated into improved productivity. I
haven't been able to find a work flow that integrates powerful text editing
with incremental development. Earlier today I asked Ondrej about this, and
he encouraged me to send it to the list so we can all learn something from
each other.

Here's my tenative wishlist, though I really want to hear what works for

   - Something like IDLE's F5 (save, compile and run current file)
   - Something like Visual Studio's F5 (save, compile, and run project, not
   just the current buffer)
   - An interactive interpreter in the same window as the editor.
   - My ideal setup would not be python-specific, as I also code in C, C++,
   C#, etc. (I still want to hear about how you use IPython, if that's your

Thanks! Hopefully this will be enlightening for all of us.


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