On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Alan Bromborsky <abro...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
> Here's the code (attached):

Wow, that was quick. Here is the output of it:

A = (16*x**2*y**2*(1 - x)**2*(1 - y)**2)e_z
B = curl(A) = (-16*x**2*y**2*(1 - x)**2*(2 - 2*y) + 32*y*x**2*(1 -
x)**2*(1 - y)**2)e_x+(16*x**2*y**2*(1 - y)**2*(2 - 2*x) - 32*x*y**2*(1
- x)**2*(1 - y)**2)e_y
div(B) = 0

This geometric algebra approach is cool.

> I also have some improvements to __str__() for the multivector class and
> documentation upgrades I will be submitting soon.  Think I should change

Excellent, looking forward.

> grad_ext() to curl() and grad_int() to div() since they would be easier
> to remember (even though in 3D grad_ext() is not exactly curl(), but
> grad_int() is div()).

Do you think some people would miss the grad_ext() and grad_int()
methods? If so, maybe you can create aliases for curl and div.

I'll study GA more, I definitely understand your passion for it. :)


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