On 03/25/2011 08:38 PM, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
> What Mateusz said is correct (by the way, he wrote the polys module, so he is 
> the expert).  Right now, Groebner bases are used for our systems of 
> polynomial equations solver, but they have many more potential applications, 
> as you probably know. The paper "Groebner Bases: A Short Introduction for 
> Systems Theorists" by B. Buchberger has a good list of potential applications 
> (see the Wikipedia article for Groebner Bases for a link to a pdf).

Thanks for the paper. Unfortunately, I know hardly any of the
applications mentioned in the first list. I used Gröbner bases mostly
for comparing ideals and computing minimal polynomials (which has been
done already in SymPy).

> By the way, as far as applications to integration go, one of the simples ones 
> is the Czichowski algorithm for computing the logarithmic part of the 
> integral of a rational function.  In fact, this algorithm is so easy to 
> implement that I did it myself a long time ago to see how it would work.  See 
> the top two commits at https://github.com/asmeurer/sympy/commits/czichowski.  
> Unfortunately, it soon became clear that at least the current implementation 
> of the Groebner basis algorithm was too slow for this to work.  Actually, it 
> is still not clear to me if this algorithm is ever practically useful, or if 
> it is just of theoretical interest.
> One thing that I do know is practically useful is the heuristic for computing 
> the logarithmic part of algebraic functions described in the paper 
> "Integration of Algebraic Functions: A Simple Heuristic for Finding the 
> Logarithmic Part" by Manuel Kauers (you should be able to find a pdf online). 
>  See also these slides (algo.inria.fr/seminars/sem08-09/kauers-slides.pdf).  
> But you should not worry about this particular application, since it requires 
> us to have a bit more implemented in terms of integration of algebraic 
> functions than we do now (i.e., right now we have nothing implemented).  But 
> whenever we (i.e., I) get around to doing that, it would definitely be nice 
> to have a fast implementation of Groebner bases to work with.  

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with using them for integration. The
algorithm you implemented doesn't look particularly hard but I don't
have any knowledge of differential algebra and my calculus education
didn't involve relevant facts. I'm not sure if I'm up for it...

But of course, writing a fast implementation of F5 is what I want to do!

> Aaron Meurer

Kind regards,

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