On a similar note, I haven't seen the RationalFunction type in Sympy
which should essentially be Poly/Poly.
Poly/Poly current returns a Mul, which would not be very good for the
zero-equivalence problem, I think.

Matrix factorization algorithms employ division on elements often. So,
if the elements belong to Poly, then we expect the matrix
factorization to contain RationalFunction (RationalPoly ?).

I think it would be the most natural type for elements of Matrices. It
will use the Poly class as its numerator and denominator, thus taking
advantage of the well-implemented Poly. Zero-equivalence problem would
be to check if the numerator is zero only, etc.

What does the community think about this class, the RationalFunction ?
Do add ideas from your knowledge and experience also.

On May 29, 3:49 pm, SherjilOzair <sherjiloz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you explain why normal multiplication/addition operations on
> Poly is slower than on Muls and Adds, when Poly is supposed to be
> lower level than Mul, Add ?
> In [35]: A = randMatrix(5,5)
> In [36]: A = A.applyfunc(lambda i: i + x)
> In [37]: %timeit B = A.T * A
> 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.63 ms per loop
> In [38]: C = A.applyfunc(poly)
> In [39]: C
> Out[39]:
> ⎡Poly(x + 56, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 89, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x +
> 23, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 46, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 95, x,
> domain='ZZ')⎤
> ⎢
> ⎥
> ⎢Poly(x + 41, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 3, x, domain='ZZ')   Poly(x +
> 17, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 13, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 85, x,
> domain='ZZ')⎥
> ⎢
> ⎥
> ⎢Poly(x + 10, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 95, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x +
> 60, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 42, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 79, x,
> domain='ZZ')⎥
> ⎢
> ⎥
> ⎢Poly(x + 98, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 84, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x +
> 54, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 32, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 52, x,
> domain='ZZ')⎥
> ⎢
> ⎥
> ⎣Poly(x + 10, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 87, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x +
> 27, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 23, x, domain='ZZ')  Poly(x + 52, x,
> domain='ZZ')⎦
> In [40]: %timeit D = C.T * C
> 100 loops, best of 3: 5.72 ms per loop
> On May 29, 3:44 pm, SherjilOzair <sherjiloz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the pointers. I'm working on what you said.
> > Here are a few questions.
> > 1. Poly(123) should not give an error, why not treat it as a constant
> > polynomial ?
> > 2. I used construct_domain on the list of elements of the Matrix, It
> > returned DMP type, which does *not* allow coercion. What to do if one
> > of my algorithms involve a square root ?
> > 3. Even when I tried operating on DMPs using an algorithm which did
> > not have a square root, an "unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int'
> > and 'DMP'" TypeError was returned.
> > 4. Should I write different code for the algorithms for each
> > groundtype ? For example, when using Sympy's type, using Add(*(...))
> > adds efficiency, but it doesn't make sense for other types. I can use
> > sum(...) but that will sacrifice performance slightly.
> > 5. I think coercion is important for matrix algorithms. Other than
> > Poly, which other lower-level classes allow coercion ?
> > - Sherjil Ozair
> > On May 28, 11:34 pm, Mateusz Paprocki <matt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > On 28 May 2011 15:30, SherjilOzair <sherjiloz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello everyone,
> > > > I've been successful in writing the symbolic cholesky decomposition
> > > > for sparse matrices in O(n * c**2) time. This is a reasonable order
> > > > for sparse systems, but still the performance is not very good. Using
> > > > python bulitins, It factors a 100 * 100 Matrix with sparsity 0.57 in
> > > > 961 milli-seconds. Using Sympy's numbers, it takes forever or is pain-
> > > > stakingly slow for matrices larger than 20 * 20.
> > > In [1] you will find a very simple comparison of Integer, int and mpz. 
> > > This
> > > applies to the rational case as well, just the difference is even bigger.
> > > > I understand why we must integrate groundtypes in matrices to make it
> > > > usable. But I don't know how exactly to do it.
> > > > I see that the Matrix constructor currently employs sympify, so it
> > > > changes regular ints to Sympy's Integer. I had removed this when I
> > > > wanted to test for the python builtins in my DOKMatrix implementation.
> > > > Here's an idea that we can build on. Add a kwarg argument in the
> > > > Matrix constructor called dtype, which could takes values like 'gmpy',
> > > > 'python', 'sympy', etc. or more detailed, 'int', 'expr', 'poly' etc..
> > > > So that, before putting the element in the matrix, we convert it to
> > > > the required dtype. eg. val = gmpy.mpz(val)
> > > > Is it as simple as this, or am I missing something ?
> > > Following sympy.polys design means that you have to employ static typing
> > > (all coefficients in a matrix are of the same type, governed by a domain
> > > that understands properties of the type). Suppose we have a matrix M over
> > > ZZ, then M[0,0] += 1 is well defined and is fast because it requires only
> > > one call to domain.convert() (which will exit almost immediately, 
> > > depending
> > > whether ZZ.dtype is Integer, int, mpz or something else). That was simple,
> > > but what about M[0,0] += S(1)/2? 1/2 not in ZZ so += may either fail 
> > > because
> > > there is no way to coerce 1/2 to an integer, but it may also figure out a
> > > domain for 1/2 (QQ), upgrade the domain in M and proceed. In polys both
> > > scenarios can happen depending whether you use DMP (or any other low-level
> > > polynomial representation) or low-level APIs of Poly or high-level APIs of
> > > Poly (low-level uses the former and high-level uses the later). The main
> > > concern in this case is speed (and type checking but it isn't very 
> > > strong).
> > > Deciding whether 1 is in ZZ is fast, but figuring out a domain for 1/2,
> > > unifying domain of 1/2 with ZZ (a sup domain has to be found, which in 
> > > this
> > > case is simple, but may be highly non-trivial in case of composite or
> > > algebraic domains) and coercing all elements of M, is slow.
> > > How to figure out a domain for a set of coefficients? Use
> > > construct_domain(). It will give you the domain and will coerce all 
> > > inputs.
> > > Refer to Poly.__new__ and all Poly.from_* and Poly._from_* to see how this
> > > works. sympy.polys should have all tools you will need, so try not to
> > > reinvent things that are already in SymPy. For example speaking about 
> > > those
> > > "detailed types" 'int', 'expr', 'poly': poly -> what domain and 
> > > variables?,
> > > expr -> what simplification algorithm?, etc. Learn to use what the library
> > > provides to you. If there is something missing, e.g. you would like
> > > construct_domain() to work with nested lists, that can be done, either on
> > > your own or just ask it. For now it may be a little tedious to use stuff
> > > from sympy.polys in matrices and at some point I will have share, e.g.
> > > domains, with other modules.
> > > My suggestion is to start from something simple. You can create a new 
> > > matrix
> > > class that will support the bare minimum of operations to replace Matrix 
> > > in
> > > solve_linear_system(). This new matrix class would support domain
> > > construction and type conversions using mechanisms from sympy.polys. 
> > > Change
> > > solve_linear_system() to not use simplify() but rely on the ground types 
> > > to
> > > do the job (solving zero equivalence problem). If this works and is fast,
> > > then you can build on top of this.
> > > > I would like Mateusz especially to comment on this, and also guide me
> > > > and help me learn about the Polys structure.
> > > [1]http://mattpap.github.com/masters-thesis/html/src/internals.html#benc...
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Sherjil Ozair
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> > > > "sympy" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to sympy@googlegroups.com.
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> > > > sympy+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/sympy?hl=en.
> > > Mateusz

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