Hi WG,

probably this mail is (at least slightly) off-topic... Actually I am
looking for some advise from other implementors when it comes to

In 3195 COOKED, we have what I would call "metadata" (iam, path,
deviceip, ...). This is very valuable. I am just thinking what to do
with that data

- when I am a realy relaying to "traditional" syslog
- when I am a collector persisting it

I am NOT asking in regard what the protocol should look like - I think
this is detailled in the RFC. What I am looking for is what people
actually use this data for. Do they always write it to the log file?
Never? Is it a config option? Or does it go into a separate file?

Please answer off-list, I will compile a summary and post it - if there
is no violent opposition against me doing so.


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