
> There's a third possibility, which is to use the pathID to determine
> where the message originated from. That is, you *are* a
> relay, you just
> happen to generate some messages yourself, as well. This approach has
> the advantage of having only one <iam> to match up with the
> SASL login.
> (I.e., if your SASL login included the type information,
> neither of your
> above approaches would work.)

Oops... good point (I have to admit I haven't thought about this because
I am not yet ready to implement these... ;)).

> I think the choice is in part dependant on what you "mean" in some
> sense. Are you simply relaying messages locally, or are you actually
> generating them yourself? That is, I could see someone using *both* #1
> and #2, with one channel for messages like "the relay syslog process
> just had a configuration change", and another channel for
> messages like
> "the machine on which the relay syslog process is running just lost a
> disk drive".

Actually, I am thinking on the later case. We have a solution that does
a lot of monitoring which includes a syslog subsystem. So it can relay
syslog messages but it also is a "device" in the spirit of syslog, that
is it e.g. creates messages based on text file data and Windows event
log data picked up as well as e.g. detection of went-down remote
services and such. So that piece of software acutally *is* both a relay
as well as a device.

Given the SASL implications, it looks like I even should create two
SESSIONS to the remote peer (option #4 ;)), one saying it is a device
and one saying it is a relay. Would this work with the SASL auth? (I
guess this is a quick yes/no for you, so I do not yet read the specs...)

I guess option #5 would be to have the device part of my application
forward messages to the relay part. This would effectively add one path
element to the overall path and I have the impression that this is
probably the worst way to do it.

Any more comments?


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