Hi WG,

as agreed upon, I have written some wording of how the concept of the
cookie may be described within the syslog format itself. Although it
looks quite straightforward on the first look, there are some nasty
things to consider when it comes to nested cookies and keeping the
namespace clean. I think it is not actually complicated, but it is quite

I would appreciate any feedback on the wording. So far, I suggest:


      COOKIE          = "@#" (COOKIE-IANA / COOKIE-VENDOR /
      COOKIE-IANA     = COOKIE-ID ; IANA-Assigned
      COOKIE-EXPER    = "X-" COOKIE-ID ; experimental
                        ; a valid domain name owned by the vendor
      COOKIE-ID       = 4*6PRINTUSASCII ; MUST NOT begin with "V-" or
      PAYLOAD         = *((%d32-126) / (%d128-254))
                        ; VALID UTF-8 String of PRINTABLE characters

                        ; parameters defined by the extension using the
      PRINTUSASCII    = %d33-126

Text following it:
2.1 MSG

   The MSG part can optionally contain a cookie. If it does, optional
   cookie parameters follow after the cookie and after that the original

   NOTE WELL: MSG is a recursive structure. As such, a MSG may contain a
   COOKIE and another MSG which in turn also contains a COOKIE and yet
   another MSG. To clarify things, we call a MSG that does not contain
   any COOKIE the actual PAYLOAD.

   There is no hard limit of how many levels of COOKIE/MSG constructs
   are used inside a single message. The only limit is that the whole
   construct must fit within the syslog size limitations. Practically,
   however, it is recommended to limit nesting to those cases where it
   absolutely must be done and there is good reasoning for it.

   NOTE WELL: there is an inherant risk with the nesting of COOKIES: As
   specified, a receiver must assume a valid cookie only if he knows the
   full COOKIE, including COOKIE-ID. If he does not know that specific
   cookie, it MUST be treated as ordinary data, thus turning the message
   from MSG to PAYLOAD. As such, no parsing for further COOKIES in
   PAYLOAD is allowed nor desired. In consequence, COOKIES nested in
   deeper layers will not be seen and processed.

   The author beliefes this potential shortcomming is acceptable. If
   inner-layer cookies would be tried to parse, this would potentially
   conflict with existing syslog data as well as introduce a number of
   potential bugs, as the format and thus validity of the outer level
   cookie is not know. It is assumed that if the outer layer cookie is
   not know, the receiver will most probably not understand the
   inner-layer cookie.

   To minimize this risk, more generic cookies should be at the outer
   layers and less specific cookies on the inner layers.

   If the fragmentation features of syslog-international are used, the
   syslog-international COOKIE MUST be the outermost COOKIE. If the
   fragmentation features are not used, it SHOULD be the outermost
   COOKIE, but MAY appear inside another COOKIES' MSG.

2.2 PAYLOAD Part

   The PAYLOAD part contains the details of the message. This has
   traditionally been a freeform message that gives some detailed
   information of the event. The PAYLOAD part of the syslog packet MUST
   contain visible (printing) characters.

   If the syslog-international COOKIE is NOT used, the code set used
   MUST be seven-bit ASCII in an eight-bit field like that used in the
   PRI part. In this code set, the only allowable characters are the
   ABNF VCHAR values (%d33-126) and spaces (SP value %d32).

   If the syslog-international COOKIE is used, the code set is specified
   inside the cookie. In this case, other code sets MAY be used as long
   as the characters used in the MSG are exclusively visible characters
   and spaces similar to those described above. For details, see the
   syslog-international charset parameter. [or should we say "it *is*


   The cookie is an optional part of the message. It is used to identify
   optional features inside a syslog message. A cookie can either be
   assigned via IANA (COOKIE-IANA), be experimental but intended to be
   vendor-neutral (COOKIE-EXPER) or be vendor-specific (COOKIE-VENDOR).

   If there is a cookie present, it MUST start with the sequence "@#" at
   the first character of the payload block. The COOKIE-ID must be at
   least 4 characters, so that the overall minumum COOKIE size is 6
   characters. These requirements makes it highly unlikely that a string
   sequence in an "old-style" syslog message will be misinterpreted as a
   cookie. However, there is a slight chance that this may happen. It
   may also be deliberatly done as part of a malicous message. As such,
   an implementation MUST NOT rely soley on the "@#" sequence to judge
   whether it is a valid cookie or not. It MUST parse the whole cookie
   to see if it is known or not and then act accordingly. Unknown
   cookies should be treated as ordinary data and not be acted upon.
   This implies that an implementation MUST not attempt to find further
   cookies inside the MSG.


   The cookie ID uniquely identifies the cookie. It is a 4 to 6
   character wide string of printable characters. It is case-sensitive.
   The 4 character minimum size requirement is introduced to reduce the
   likelyhood that a cookie is mistakenly being recognized. The
   COOKIE-ID alone MUST NOT be used to detect a cookie. It can, however,
   be handy for human discussion.

   The COOKIE-ID MUST NOT begin with "V-" or "X-".

2.3.2 IANA and Experimental Cookies

   These are vendor-neutral cookies. IANA-assigned cookie values have
   undergone the concensus process and are well-defined. Experimental
   cookies are for vendor-neutral functionality that is currently in
   development. A syslog extension that is expected to be
   vendor-specific SHOULD NOT use experimental cookies, it SHOULD use
   vendor-specific cookies instead. As a rule of thumb, only cookies
   used for functionalites discussed on IETF mailing lists should be
   treated as vendor-neutral.

   When new experiemental cookies are designed, they SHOULD use a
   COOKIE-ID not yet assgined by IANA. This will facilitate the later
   transistion as the experiemental COOKIED-ID could eventually be used
   as an IANA COOKIE-ID once concensus has been reached and the
   dicusssed functionality is mature enough.

2.3.3 Vendor specific Cookies

   These cookie values are reserved for vendor extensions. A general
   issue with namespaces and vendor extensions is that multiple vendors
   may (accidently) decide to use the same value as their extension ID.
   To avoid this, we prefix each vendor-specific COOKIE-ID with a
   VENDORURI. This should be a long-lasting internet domain name that
   the vendor owns.

   An example: "Example Inc" has two software products called
   "GreatestSyslog" and "EvenGreaterSyslog". It owns the domains
   "example.com", "GreatestSyslog.example" and
   "EvenGreaterSyslog.example". Now, "Example Inc" decides to introduce
   a new cookie for exclusive use by "EvenGreaterSyslog". It is
   recommended that the company's main domain is used for building the
   vendor cookie. If they used the COOKIE-ID "MyTag", the complete
   vendor cookie would look like this: "@#V-example.com-MyTag".

   The VENDOR-URI is case-insensitve. However, it is good practice to
   send it consistently in the same case. It SHOULD be sent in lower

   If cookies are nested, vendor cookies MUST be used on the innermost
   layer, only.


I am interested in all feedback on this proposal. Most importantly I am
interested in feedback on the nesting of cookies, especially in respect
to undetected outer layers.

And, yes, I am trying to define the syslog format in ABNF, which I think
is very helpful when building parsers. As it looks, the whole ABNF for
the general message format as well as the syslog-internatonal extension
will fit within 2 pages.


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