Hi WG,

event though I seem to be the one comitting the most typos, I think I
finally found one somewhere else. In 4.4.2 of 3195, it talks about relay
modes in [1], which refers to 3164. It says e.g.

However, for maximum compatibility, the device
   SHOULD format the CDATA of the message in accordance with Sections
   4.2.1 through 4.2.3 of [1].

This reference is repeated.

The only thing is there is no 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 in 3164. I think it should
refer to 4.*1*.1 to 4.*1*.3.

A bit later, it 3195 says:
   To be consistent with the spirit of [1], a relay receiving a message
   that does not contain a valid priority, timestamp or hostname will
   follow the same general rules as described in section 4.2.2 of [1]
   while including the exact contents of the received syslog packet as
   the CDATA.  The values of the facility and severity will be construed
Again, 4.2.2 does not exist in 3164, I assume this case 4.3 (as whole
that is 4.3.1 to 4.3.3) is meant.

Then, it says:

   As another example, consider a message being received that does not
   properly adhere to the conventions described in Section 4.2.2 of [1].
   In particular, the timestamp has a year, making it a nonstandard
I assume, this means 4.1.2.

I am pulling my RFCs from http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfcNNNN.txt which
should be the definite source.

Something for the next revision?


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