Hi WG,

as you may have seen, the draft editor has posted protocol-01:


First things first: this was a "quick" edit (while not as quick as I
hoped... ;)). My main objective was to get out some text as quickly as
possible. There are probably some typos and some other minor
inconsistencies. Also, some of the descriptions may not be as good as
they should be. As the format issue was quite controversal, I try to
save a little bit work by providing ONE POSSIBLE text to handle it. But
further discussion may go into a different direction. So I tried to make
it as understandable as possible while not putting total finishing
efforts into it. Once we have decided the final direction, I will either
revamp totally or polish the current text.

To the content:

As said on the list, I used Anton's non-XML proposal. Weighting all the
arguments received, I really think we do not actually need XML in
syslog, even though syslog is no longer just for human review but also
for automatted processes (this in answer to David's question).

After finishing the text, I am far more convinced that the simple
tagging approach is not only sufficiently enough for transport, but it
also is a good solution for syslog in general. In the long term, it can
also be used to define payload dictionaries, which may be very useful
(should we manage to do this;)).

Regarding integrating this into XML-based systems, I think a mapping of
what I described now and XML is fairly easy, at least as long as you
assume that the message is orginally generated by a syslog device and
the brought over to some XML system.

I would also like to drag your attention to the fragmentation that I now
described. There are some specific implications in regard to
syslog-sign. I would appreciate if those deeply involved in -sign could
cross-check that this format could actually do the job for -sign.

The section on fragmentation is currently missing a recommendation to
use a reliable transport. This will be moved in once we have a general

I appreciate comments on these points as well as -protocol-01 in
general. I am prepared to do a quick re-edit.


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