
>> Oct 11 22:14:15 myhost2 su: Message with line break\nbefore end

> ah, ok, so solaris does this processing, obviously when writing
> to the file. That would mean that we would need to apply escaping
> to the free form part of the text, too. Not a bad idea...
> Especially as I think the \x form will seldomly hit sombody. Maybe
> we should also allow \#HX with HX being the byte to be represented
> in hex. Doing so opens up the ability to actually send anything as
> printable text in a standards way. Sounds like a good thing...

> Any comments on that?

Can we just allow any ASCII control characters and any UTF-8 encoded
characters and leave it up to a different standard to define the storage

I think storage format must be standardized soon, but it is out of scope
for -protocol, right? People will be looking to -protocol and try to
infer the log file format so they can process messages.  We should make
it clear in -protocol that syslog servers are free to store messages in
whatever format they choose and that storage format is out of scope. Or
explicitly make it part of the scope.

There is a benefit to leaving it up to the server to do the extra
reformatting.  This way clients running inside applications whose
primary responsibility is not logging can be made dumber and hence run
less of risk of performance issues or a failure during logging of a
critical message.

If we do restrict new lines though, I feel we must provide some


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