
I am not so much in SNMP, so please bear with me...

> I suggest that you should consider adding two fields to a standardized
> syslog format: the (IANA-assigned) enterprise ID and a version number.
> (The IETF should have an enterprise ID, and I know other IETF work has
> considered 0 to be the IETF enterpriseID, but check with
> Joyce Reynolds
> whether 0 should be used for this or not.)
> This would allow vendors to migrate their existing
> proprietary versions
> of syslog to an intermediate standardized message format, without
> forcing them to go all the way to fully standardized content. Some
> syslog messages may be encoded in hardware, or in licensed binary
> software, or in code the vendor cannot economically justify
> changing all
> at once, and will be difficult to migrate the content to a
> fully-standard syslog format. However, the embedded software that
> creates the final messages for the wire may be able to wrap
> the content
> in a standarized message format, improving manageability and
> interoperability.

If a message is fully compliant with the spec, should we then use the
IETF enterprise ID or should we still use the vendor's enterprise ID? I
guess still the vendor enterprise ID, because if it weren't fully
compliant, the syslogd MUST assume an error and not process the message.
Am I right here?


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