I'm guessing that the relay operation that you would like to leave out
relates to additional segmenting, and adding missing information, as
well as path type information?

Leaving all of that out seems reasonable.  I think that basic relay
operation should be present in -protocol though.  By this I'm talking
about any constraints on how relays operate, such as the relay MUST (or
SHOULD) NOT alter the packet if it is to have any hope of passing -sign
messages around.  Or someother fundamental point of relay operation (if
there is one).

I suspect that the bulk of the relaing features you are looking for
would only be useful in limited situations anyway.  And that basic relay
operation will often suffice.  But I may be wrong about thit.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 12:01:24PM +0100, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
> Hi WG,
> based on the recent comments I received on -protocol becoming too large
> and in-depth, I wonder if it still makes sense to include relay
> operations in -protocol? I think this could easily be split into a
> separate document. If this is not done, I assume that it will take up
> considerable space.
> If it should be in -protocol depends on what we actually charter
> -protocol for. As of my current understanding, -protocol is chartered to
> not just describe the format of the message but also outline how the
> protocol itself works. If I am right with this, relay operations MAY be
> described in -protocol. But I could also envision that -protocol just
> says "there are relays" and leaves the details for a different document.
> Leaving it for a different document would definitely help to finish
> -protocol soon(er). It would also streamline it, as probably not
> everyone implementing syslog will necessarily implement relay mode (I
> assume most will not be interested in this).
> So my suggestion would be to remove in-depth description of relay mode
> from -protocol and create a new document once -protocol is FINISHED (and
> not before). I would volunteer (actually like;)) to write this doc,
> because I already have a lot of content, which I just would not merge
> into -protocol for now.
> Rainer

Devin Kowatch

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