This is a not-well-thought out response, but I thought it is better to
provide it than to wait for 2 more days (Which otherwise might happen).
I think if we move multi-part messages into the transport, we MUST NOT
modify the header. Instead, each transport should add its own header,
where it requires. If we specify the header in -protocol, we are back at
where we are currently, that is that -protocol specifies the multi-part
messaging. If so, I'd prefer that we do it as it is specified so far,
because multi-part messages have low overhead ... Because we assummed
that they would be needed only very infrequently.

I have to admit that while I like support for large size message, I
think we should not try to make this feature mandatory... 99,999% of the
messages will never need it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anton Okmianski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:48 PM
> Subject: fragmentation in transport
> Rainer & all:
> I started thinking about the best way of specifying message
> fragmentation in the UDP transport layer. I don't think our present
> scheme is ideal for good protocol layer isolation because it would
> require transport layer to be able to parse protocol message in order
> to read/modify structured content tag "msgpart".  I think it is better
> if transport could deal with syslog messages as generic payload.
> I propose that we stick to a definition of fragmentation in the
> transport layer that is more agnostic to syslog-protocol format and
> only manipulates the header.  Specifically, I propose we add a header
> that mimics fragmentation fields of IP (RFC791) follows, except with
> bigger field sizes:
> - multi-part-flag (1 byte)
> - msg-id (2 bytes)
> - fragment-length (32 bytes)
> - fragment-offset (32 bytes)
> - more-fragments-flag (1 byte)
> All in all this will be an additional 67 byte header and would enable
> transferring payload of up to 4GB.  If multi-part-flag is 0, we can
> omit the rest of the header.
> The trickiest part is the msg-id field. I propose that we specify that
> fragment reassembly is done using source IP, source port and msg-id
> field. This means that we will place a restriction that each
> application must send all messages using a single random exclusive
> source port (no SO_REUSEADDR flag), while changing msg-id for every
> message. So, msg-id only has to be unique within a given process
> because each process will use a different source port.  To avoid a
> problem with mix up due to port re-use with short-lived processes, I
> propose that we recommend that apps start msg-id at a random number
> and then increment and cycle it. This would reduce the hole to mostly
> theoretical domain. The idea of using ports to identify applications
> is consistent with what they were designed to accomplish in the first
> place.
> IPv6 includes some a separate RFC2675 for jumbo datagrams, which could
> be used to transfer large packets.  But it seems they restricted it to
> the networks with large MTU sizes only. I am also worried that
> adoption of this standard will lag the other IPv6 standards and it
> would be risky for a syslog protocol to rely on intermediary entities
> supporting it. So, we probably won't be able to use it and my proposal
> is to use the same mechanism for UDP/IPv4 and UDP/IPv6.
> Please let me know what you think before I write it up into the draft.
> Thanks,
> Anton.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rainer Gerhards
> > Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 3:29 AM
> > To: Anton Okmianski;!ALbert; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: some (well a lot ) review remarks
> >
> >
> > Anton,
> >
> > I have only minor concerns with moving this into the
> > transport. But if we move it into the transport, then we must
> > do it right, which in my point of view means NO size
> > restriction (no, 64K is handy for UDP fragmentation, but I
> > would also like to be able to send 1 MB if there is really
> > need for this...). My concern is when we move this into the
> > transport, the upper layer will probably need to be able to
> > handle full-size messages, which could easily be turned into
> > a DoS - on the other hand, we are able to work around this
> > (like specify a way to access frames instead of full messages).
> >
> > If we do this right, I see indeed clear advantages of pushing
> > this into the transport. for the UDP transport, I would still
> > propose to use what is currently specified in -protocol.
> >
> > Any more comments?
> > Rainer
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Anton Okmianski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:30 PM
> > > To: '!ALbert'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Rainer
> Gerhards
> > > Subject: RE: some (well a lot ) review remarks
> > >
> > > Albert, Rainer, WG:
> > >
> > > I have not thought through all the details, but...
> > >
> > > I share Albert's concern about defining message length limits and
> > > mandating partitioning in syslog-protocol given that it is
> > supposed to
> > > be transport independent.  I'd prefer if syslog-protocol was just
> > > about the format and encoding of the message payload.
> > Payload being a
> > > complete syslog message without any transport-specific parts.
> > >
> > > As it stands now, syslog-transport is really about
> > transferring syslog
> > > message segments and not complete syslog messages.  If
> > > syslog-transport does all segmentation, then it is easier
> > to specify
> > > how to avoid issues such as double-segmentation
> > (syslog-protocol level
> > > and then IP fragmentation).
> > >
> > > The relay provisions should probably also be specified only
> > as far as
> > > payload is concerned. For example in DHCP, when message
> > goes through
> > > relay, relay agent is allowed to insert an option specifying its
> > > address as well as giaddr (the network from which request for IP
> > > originated from).  So, it just specifies additional provisions for
> > > payload for cases with relay agents and that's it. I think
> > it will be
> > > easiest if we allowed relay agent to function like any
> > > syslog-transport client and re-assemble the whole message
> > before doing
> > > anything with it. In other words, it should work with
> > syslog messages,
> > > not syslog message segments.
> > >
> > > Just my 2 cents.
> > >
> > > Anton.
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > > >!ALbert
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:59 AM
> > > > Subject: some (well a lot ) review remarks
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hello Rainer, Anton, WG
> > > >
> > > > Last weeks I have reviewed some of the current draft documents.
> I
> > > > had planned to spend more time on it, coming month. But,
> > plans are
> > > > changed. It will be very busy, which is good .. But also
> > means less
> > > > tome for syslog.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I have one important "issue": I think it would be a great
> > > > improvement if some parts of Rainer's document would move to
> > > > Anton's. I think the protocol document should NOT specify how to
> > > > break messages in parts. It should assume the transport layer
> can
> > > > "transport" 'long messages'. The transport layer, should
> > when a long
> > > > message can't be send in once, spilt in is several parts.
> > > >
> > > > I think it should be possible to write another
> > 'transport' document,
> > > > which describes how 'long, new, better' messages can be
> > transported
> > > > by rfc-3164 syslog messages.
> > > > Note: I'm NOT saying we should make an RFC for this. Only
> > that, if
> > > > we could write it, the separation between transport and  "upper"
> > > > layers are better. Note 2: That document should describe how to
> > > > 'shrink' the longer headers into the old headers, etc. Not by
> > > > putting the complete message into the payload.
> > > >
> > > > --------------
> > > > Aside from the point above, I will include a raider long list of
> > > > (personal) notes 'asis'.
> > > >
> > > > Rainer, please use those notes when relevant, Skip the
> > others. I'm
> > > > sorry, I don't have more time to rewrite my notes to a
> > good review.
> > > > It is either me to throw away them, of give another that
> > option.:-)
> > > >
> > > > Hope it helps a bit.
> > > >
> > > > ===========================================================
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Groetjes,
> > > > --ALbert Mietus
> > > > Private mail to:           albert at ons-huis dot net
> > > > Business mail to:     albert dot mietus at PTS dot nl
> > > > Spam:   Just don't do it! Thrust me, I will not order!
> > > >
> > > > Hello WG,
> > > >
> > > > This is my comment on Rainer's syslog-protcol draft 04. I
> > have been
> > > > very passive on following this mailinglist; (to
> > > > busy:-) But on receiving a request to review I decided to
> > do so. But
> > > > I apologise if I raise issues that are discussed already.
> > I didn't
> > > > read them. This week I started, after a log time, to study the
> > > > current draft document(s).
> > > >
> > > > Before continuing, let me say I like the idea of
> > splitting syslog in
> > > > several layers. I say so, in the hope the individual
> > > > sub-specifications will become short. My comment is split into 3
> > > > parts, of which you are reading part 1 now. Part 1 is about the
> > > > "idea" (the design). In a separate mail I will comment on
> > the text
> > > > of the document; in the hope I will become clearer, cleaner and
> > > > shorter. The 3rd mail will contain some details and bit
> > that didn't
> > > > fit in the others.
> > > >
> > > > Possible, I will send more comment in futures mail; it
> > will depend
> > > > on the amount of time I have now, and then.
> > > >
> > > > -------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > > This review is becoming (very) long, I really hope all
> > comments are
> > > > worth reading. I have tried to express my thoughts about
> > is a well
> > > > as possible, given the time I have...
> > > >
> > > > General Comment on the idea/design of syslog-protocol
> > > > =====================================================
> > > >
> > > > * This idea is GOOD!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > H2 Architecture
> > > > ================
> > > >
> > > > Traditional, syslog knows Devices, Collectors and Relays. I
> would
> > > > like to add two 'things'. One I would like to call a
> > > > *Generator* , the other an *Runner*.
> > > >
> > > > *Generator*
> > > > As we can see in e.g. most Unix implementations, it is the
> > > > application that knows WHAT to log, transmit that to the
> > system (the
> > > > log device, the syslogdaemon) that know HOW to log it. Also on
> > > > embedded systems, this can be seen. Historically, the
> > combination of
> > > > (a part of the) application and the "system" form the
> > log-device. I
> > > > would like to split this, now this opportunity exits. The
> > part that
> > > > is build-in in the application, (in C: the lines syslog(..."hai
> > > > there");) can be called  the (LOG-)Generator. The communication
> > > > between generator and Device is system/platform depended. On
> Unix
> > > > systems usually the log-device, on embedded systems a
> > > > function-call, and on windows log-events can be used.
> > > >
> > > > By introducing this Generator, we (can) make clear this
> > > > private/dedicated communication exist; and is allowed. We
> > also make
> > > > clear the Generator is syslog-protocol INDEPENDED.
> > > >
> > > > The function of the Device, know becomes clear: it get
> > log-message
> > > > (-events) and transport them. It also does some bookkeeping,
> like
> > > > timestamping, adding crypto (for -sign), etc.
> > > >
> > > > *Runner*
> > > > A LOG-runner is a other kind of syslog-thing, which is
> frequently
> > > > used. Without a proper place in the architecture. Whereas a
> relay
> > > > (should) forwards syslog-messages without knowledge of
> > the semantics
> > > > of the message, the Runner does. The most simple life-form of a
> > > > runner is a filter. It "relays" messages, but only when the are
> > > > important. On Unix there a several of these in perl,
> > grep-scripts
> > > > etc. Formally, the are knot relays (I think). A more complex
> > > > runner, is a "program" that receives log-messages, CHANGES them,
> > > > and send (or stores) the result. Examples: statically analyses,
> > > > Intrusion detection, etc.
> > > >
> > > > Both kind of Runners are useful, frequently used, but the
> > not part
> > > > of the architecture. And as we try to make syslog "better", we
> > > > better add them and make sure out standards can "deal" with
> them.
> > > > Otherwise, non-RFC compliance log-programs will be standard.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > H4 Syslog format
> > > > ================
> > > >
> > > > 412 enterpriseID
> > > > -----------------
> > > >
> > > > I don't see any reason to include an enterpriseID; not into the
> > > > header. (When needed, it can be used in the structured MSG part)
> > > >
> > > > Currently, it is just a number. It will be unused,
> > misused or will
> > > > lead to a lot of (operational) management. I'm afraid for the
> > > > latter, as in H4.1.3 is suggested  that the semantic of
> > the Facility
> > > > can be enterpriceID depended.
> > > >
> > > > Also, it is required to use the "IANA assigned vendor"
> > number. This
> > > > implies open-source/free/non-commercial are 'ruled out'
> > as the often
> > > > will not to so.
> > > >
> > > > Last, should the number of the Generator-vendor, the
> > system-vendor
> > > > of the device-vendor be used? (See above about
> > > > generator/device) This is not clear to me. And whatever one is
> > > > chosen, it will be hard to implement. Not using the
> > defacto (Unix)
> > > > logging api's!
> > > >
> > > > 413 Facility
> > > > -------------
> > > >
> > > > Although, at first sight, liked the idea of "a terrible lot" of
> > > > facilities. The current <used a number idea> is wrong, as
> > I see it.
> > > > Aside from the problems mentioned above, more then a million
> > > > facilities will mean relays can't be managed! The set of
> > facilities,
> > > > which will be seen in a (major) network, expressed as
> > numbers, will
> > > > be are more or less at random. Which implies very long
> > complex and
> > > > unmanageable configfiles (or MIB's) for each LOG-router!
> > > >
> > > > As we heave learn form routing IPv4, hierarchical structuring is
> > > > needed.
> > > >
> > > > I think, extending the set of facilities is good. But I can't
> > > > imagine more the say 1000 are ever needed.
> > > >
> > > > So, my counter-proposition is:
> > > >         *  Make  facilities (as a number) structured
> > > >         *  Limit the number of facilities to a manageable number
> > > >         *  Keep the format such that extending the
> > allowed numbers
> > > > is possible
> > > >
> > > > A Facility then is still a number, at least 3 (or 4)
> > digits long. A
> > > > longer number means the it is an extended facility. They
> > have to be
> > > > assign by IANA. Facilities of length 3 (4) MUST have the format
> > > > '(K)KLM', where 'K' (or 'KK') indicated the kind of facility;
> 'L'
> > > > give a sub indication and 'M' is
> > > > *SITE* configurable (so, by the local sysadmin, see
> > example below).
> > > > The  'K/KK' is based on the RFC3164 facilities, clean up and
> > > > extended. Those numbers can be IANA assigned. L can be
> > chosen by the
> > > > (generator) vendor, and `M' by the admin. 'M' defaults to
> > 0 (zero),
> > > > and  applications/vendors MAY give the possibility to set that
> > > > digit.
> > > >
> > > > Example: For mail, there will be an K specified, let say
> > 1. Then all
> > > > mail-log will have the format '1XY', which is easily routable.
> It
> > > > will do for small sites. Some vendors, like "sendmail" (only 1
> > > > process) will probably use only one value for L e.g. '0';
> others,
> > > > like "postfix" (several processes) can use multiple values, like
> > > > '1', '2' and '3'. When supported by both sendmail and
> > postfix, the
> > > > local sysadmin can add (change) the M-digit, such that
> > mail-systems
> > > > on the border, and internal ones use another facility.
> > > >
> > > > In all cases, the local sysadmin can either use simple
> > > > routing-rules, like 1** (for all mail), or 10* for  sendmail and
> > > > 1[1-2]*, 13* for postfix, or even more complex. Now, the
> sysadmin
> > > > has a choice, and can keep it manageable.
> > > >
> > > > Note: the 0 for sendmail and 1-4 for postfix are "by example".
> > > > However, we can add a "rule" that '0' shall be used when only 1
> > > > L-value is used, and when several values are used, zero should
> be
> > > > skipped. Also, I would like to prescribe/reserve "9" for local
> > > > additions. (on all digits).
> > > >
> > > > The (K)KLM idea is used a suggestion to improve, IF this idea is
> > > > accepted, THEN we can discuss variations like 3 or 4
> > digits, where
> > > > to save mappings (IANA of this rfc), etc.
> > > >
> > > > 5 Structured data
> > > > ==================
> > > >
> > > > In short: I thing having the option of structured data is a nice
> > > > option. But lets keep it simple.
> > > >
> > > > The current one is to complex, it has to be as we need 4 pages
> to
> > > > describe it. Also, I find those pages hard to study
> > (given the time
> > > > I had :-). Also it can lead to not implementing it. Programmers,
> > > > especially there bosses, don't have a lot of time!
> > > >
> > > > More positive: The main reason why structured data is complex
> > > > (currently) comes down into 1 problems:
> > > > 1) It isn't part of the main-design (the ABNF on page 9)
> > > > 2) The "structure" can start anywhere in MSG
> > > >
> > > > Both are easy to solve:
> > > > Ad 2) Specify that the structured part ALWAYS START
> > directly after
> > > > the header. Ad 1) We need to introduce it where it belongs. In
> an
> > > > optional field on page 9
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Let give it a try ( I also use the "improvement" on the
> > ABNF of my
> > > > other mail; it saves typing) (Also I "forget" the SP
> > parts, for now.
> > > > Just the idea)
> > > >
> > > > HEADER      = VERSIONING PRIO ID         // See other mail
> > > > DATA        = [ *STR-DATA ] MSG
> > > > STR-DATA    = see below
> > > > MSG         = free format
> > > >
> > > > Given this ABNF, the structured data ALWAYS comes (in RFC3164
> > > > notation) at the start of the MSG-part (of in new ABNF:
> > before the
> > > > free format MSG).
> > > >
> > > > This implies receivers always have (as last resort) the option
> to
> > > > see everything after the header as free-format. And just
> > > > store/forward it. It implies the start of STR-DATA is simple to
> > > > find: Its starts directly after the header, or directly after
> > > > another STR-DATA
> > > >
> > > > This implies to, we have the option to start STR-DATA
> > with '<' which
> > > > is more usable and XML-alike. The complex long "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" cookie
> isn't
> > > > needed anymore. However, we free to use it. My personal
> > vote is for
> > > > the (XML) < > style.
> > > >
> > > > See also my other posting about details of structured-data.
> > > >
> > > > 6 Multi-Part Messages
> > > > =====================
> > > >
> > > > There are some mistakes in the this part, but I like the general
> > > > idea. However, I fell spliting/reassembly is done in
> > other protocols
> > > > too. Maybe we can use/reference a (de facto) standard? I
> > don't know
> > > > an RFC which we can use, but I'm sure there must be one!
> > > >
> > > > Second, it to complex, and to long (to read). I have
> > studied it, but
> > > > I'm not sure I do understand it.  Some details about which I
> find
> > > > hard/wrong/dislike
> > > >
> > > > MP-timestamp
> > > > ------------
> > > > I do not like having several messages having the same TIMESTAMP
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 62 SD-ID receiving an optional STR-DATA
> > > > =======================================
> > > > This must be a mistake!
> > > > In the 3rd paragraph is stated the a receiver sometimes MUST NOT
> > > > parse a STR-DATA of a log-message that is received. However,
> when
> > > > the option Multi-part is not implemented, is doesn't now this!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hello WG,
> > > >
> > > > This is part 2 (of 3) of my comment on the 3th
> > > > draft-syslog-protocol. See the introduction at my posting
> > > > one contains comment on the text of the document; to help to
> > > > clarify, and shorten the document. It does NOT contain comment
> on
> > > > the "idea" (design); se posting [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > > -------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Implementation hints
> > > > ====================
> > > >
> > > > The current RFC contains a lot of valuable hints for
> programmers,
> > > > like the one about time-secfrac (Yes I introduced it, at
> > least the
> > > > bug:-)!
> > > >
> > > > Currently the are scattered around the document, making
> > the document
> > > > long and more complex to read for non-programmers.
> > > >
> > > > I would suggest to move all of them to a new chapter, at
> > the end of
> > > > the document (after the current chapter 9).
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ABNF (Chapter 4)
> > > > ================
> > > >
> > > > I think we can clarify the syntax, by "unflattening"
> > RGC-3164 syslog
> > > > uses some field and subfields which are nice when
> > introducing syslog
> > > > to others. The "understand" names as priority.
> > > >
> > > > So, keep it structured. I give it a try (please correct
> > the syntax
> > > > of the ABNF, as I not writing it daily anymore)
> > > >
> > > > DATA        = [ STR-DATA ] MSG
> > > > VERSION     = 1*3 DIGIT
> > > > PRIO        = '<' FACILITY '.' SEVERITY '>'      // See [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > for notation change
> > > > STR-DATA    = see elsewhere
> > > > MSG         = free format
> > > > (etc)
> > > >
> > > > Now we have meaningful field, that can be used to. E.g
> > the ID field
> > > > (see other mail) make each message unique
> > > >
> > > > 5.1 Format (typo?)
> > > > ==================
> > > > On page 20, the paragraph starting with "The structured
> > data element
> > > > MUST ..." is confusing. The 2nd last line say _no space_
> > is allowed,
> > > > the last one says one or more space are. Is this a typo? Or it
> is
> > > > unclear (at least to me)
> > > >
> > > > Structures data, ID-length
> > > > ==========================
> > > >
> > > > I don't see why we should limit the several field to 64
> > positions. I
> > > > agree this will normally suffice. But so will 32, or 16, of any
> > > > other number. 64 is "to big" to use as a fix-sized ("reserved")
> > > > space for programmer's, database fields, etc. (to big == spoil
> to
> > > > much bytes on huge logs). So dynamic field need to be
> > used anyhow.
> > > > Then there is no need for a trivial maximum. Note, there is a
> > > > maximum anyhow, given by the size of a single
> > log-message. That will
> > > > do for "short term allocation".
> > > >
> > > > Removing this limit, make the rdc cleaner and smaller.
> > > >
> > > > Structured data, spaces
> > > > =======================
> > > >
> > > > I would like to have all line about SP (spaces) in chapter 5
> > > > removed. The point about 0,1 or more spaces is not relevant. In
> > > > general, syslog uses SP to separate field (when needed).
> > And allows
> > > > them in MSG-part. The syntax and semantics of STR-DATA is
> > does not
> > > > depend on the amount of space. Nor is it harder to read.
> > > > Implementing receivers even become easier when spaces (in
> > > > can be skipped (while { if 'sp' then skip } ) instead of
> checking
> > > > the correct number, and doing something if wrong !
> > > >
> > > > Proposal: Allow spaces anywhere, but inside SD-ID (see note) and
> > > > SD-PARAM. SP in SD-VALUE is allowed (already), but not a
> > separator.
> > > > Prescribe (at least 1) SP between each param-value pair.
> > > >
> > > > *Note: as SP between '[#@'(or '<') and the SP-ID itself
> > is probably
> > > > not a good idea, but not a problem. We can fix is, by moving the
> > > > fixed string in the ABNF:
> > > > STR-DATA    = STR-START ... STR-END
> > > > STR-START   = "[#@" SD-ID   ; or '<'
> > > > STR-END     = "]"           ; or '>'
> > > > ...         = as before, SP are allowed.
> > > >
> > > > Note2: Doing so allows for format line for human reading,
> > which is
> > > > handy
> > > > Example     <x-gam-example  doYoe="like this"  or     = "This
> > > > one?"   >
> > > >             <z-gam-more     Yes  = "I do"      find   = "it
> > > > readable!" >
> > > >
> > > > This example is simple to parse, both for humans and
> > computers. This
> > > > change will make chapter-5 shorter, I think!
> > > >
> > > > Last, I think any whitespace should be allowed instead of SP
> (eg.
> > > TAB)
> > > >
> > > > Chapter-5, MSG
> > > > ==============
> > > >
> > > > I suggest, but only as a detail, the text of chapter-5 should be
> > > > part of 4.2
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hello WG,
> > > >
> > > > This is part 3 (of 3) of my comment on the 3th
> > > > draft-syslog-protocol. It only contains short remark on
> > details, and
> > > > bit that didn't fit in part 1 (idea/design) or part 2
> > (the document
> > > > itself). See posting [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more introduction
> > > >
> > > > -------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > > 413/314 FACILITY/SEVERITY
> > > > ==========================
> > > >
> > > > In this draft, both facility and severity are numbers.
> > Even with my
> > > > suggestion, the are 'just numbers'. And numbers are hard
> > to read for
> > > > humans. Especially when the are a lot of them. Most people will
> > > > forget which column contains which number.
> > > >
> > > > Therefore, I think it is better to use the
> > (verbose)notation used by
> > > > most syslog implementations: "'<' facility '.' severity '>'"
> Both
> > > > facility and severity are numbers (at least in the wire).
> > Collectors
> > > > (viewers) can translate those numbers into there names. But
> still
> > > > use this format. And Even without them, it is easier to read the
> > > > first (new) then the second (current) line: V1 0 <888.4>
> > > > 2003-010-11T22:14:13.003Z new.Formated. ... V1 0 888 4
> > > > 2003-010-11T22:14:13.003Z old.Formated. ...
> > > >
> > > > Note: I agree, we should not the tricky "8 times F plus
> > S" notation.
> > > > I'm not suggesting that! Just insert a dot and the angles.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 4151 timestamp, without time
> > > > ============================
> > > >
> > > > There are 'devices' as meant in this section which
> > haven't an idea
> > > > of TIME. So it is a good idea this section.
> > > >
> > > > Often, those devices can store ("know") a few bit of
> information.
> > > > Therefore, I would like to change this fixed TIMESTAMP,
> > to the same
> > > > one, but with a sequence number attached; the factional-seconds
> > > > field can be used for it.
> > > >
> > > > Then a timestamp becomes 2001-01-01T00:00:60.<seq>Z.
> > > > As in the current draft, this time doesn't exist. But al least,
> > > > collectors can (more or less) sort a set of logmessages form 1
> > > > device
> > > >
> > > > Note: the latter is needed for e.g. syslog-sign
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 417 TAG
> > > > =======
> > > >
> > > > I think we need to make the TAG stuctured! All current syslog
> > > > receivers (collectors, relays) use __PARTS of__ the
> > RFC3164 TAG to
> > > > route messages. In RFC3164 the TAG is simple and short, so it is
> > > > quite simple to use it for routing. Note: not the complete TAG
> is
> > > > used, only the 'program name', never the PID
> > > part.
> > > >
> > > > With the new TAG, with an static ID an a dynamic part, similar
> > > > routing should be possible. At least, the RFC should be
> > clear on it.
> > > > So, by demanding the static part is "fixed", and make sure that
> > > > static part can be found.
> > > >
> > > > Given the current practice, routing is based (mainly) on the
> > > > program-name, it would be wise to (at least suggest) how
> > > > (where) that part can be found.
> > > >
> > > > Proposal:  Forget native support for VMS/Windows/DOS and
> > even Unix
> > > > pathnames. And introduce an URI (URL)-alike schema. Where
> > only '/'
> > > > (not the one form Unix, but from URL's) is used to "path
> > separation"
> > > > and ':' and '//' are major separators.
> > > >
> > > > In this case, the ABNF is simple; only the semantics
> > become a little
> > > > more complex. Also, it become simple for web-applications to
> log.
> > > > The have an URL already. All "old fashioned:-)"
> > application have an
> > > > URL: ''file://path/to/appl'' already. This is valid on any
> system.
> > > >
> > > > Note: the dynamic part has to be added
> > > > Note2: for web-applictions, which include a 'hostpart' in the
> > > > URL: that hostname is NOT the same as the HOSTPART in the
> header.
> > > > Frequently (a web-farm) several systems share the same
> > URL, but not
> > > > the hostname. Then the sysadmin can decide which one to use for
> > > > routing.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Message ID
> > > > ==========
> > > >
> > > > Given the architecture of syslog-networks, messages can be
> > > > duplicated. But, sometimes messages are related (e.g. with the
> > > > signatures of syslog-sign). Both the RFC3164 and the current
> > > > -protocol draft do not have possibilities to unique identify a
> > > > message.
> > > >
> > > > In practice, messages are unique by there hostname, TAG and
> > > > timestamp. But, we can't trust on this, as it isn't required.
> > > >
> > > > I would like to introduce this requirement. It is simple
> > to add to
> > > > the RFC, and simple to implement. Given the HOSTNAME and TAG,
> all
> > > > the implementers have to do is never send a message with the
> same
> > > > timestamp. Given the microsecond resolution, this doable.
> > (It does
> > > > imply some systems have to fake the last digits; I don't see a
> > > > problem with this. Otherwise we can add a "." SequenceNo to the
> > > > timestamp
> > > >
> > > > Structured data, tokens
> > > > =======================
> > > >
> > > > Given the current draft, of my counter proposal of it, of
> > structured
> > > > data, the are (only) 2 kinds of tokens. The IANA
> > controlled ones and
> > > > the experimental ones; the latter starting with "x-"
> > > >
> > > > I think, we can safely add an third: "X-" for
> > private/local/vendor
> > > > specific tokens. As we can see my e.g. mail, this kind of
> > field will
> > > > be used a lot. Now we have an option to allow the, without
> giving
> > > > the a status of "testing".
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > STR-DATA, can we use it for syslog-sign (or similar)?
> > > > =====================================================
> > > >
> > > > Just an idea: in a protocol as syslog-sign (here just as
> > example),
> > > > where messages reference to other messages (now
> > implicit), we could
> > > > use the STR-DATA to do so?
> > > >
> > > > I verified the syntax/semantics of this, and YES, we could do
> so.
> > > > This means, I like STR-DATA a lot more :-) It is great. Even
> when
> > > > -sign doesn't use it, I (we) can use the same format to
> > present it
> > > > to the user!
> > > >
> > > > 64 MultiPart examples
> > > > =====================
> > > >
> > > > All examples use rfc3164 headers, shouldn't -protocol headers be
> > > used?
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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