Hi WG,

this is not only in reply to Anton's posts, but a general thing. So I
thought I start with a new subject.

Anton suggest the use of a binary header in -transport (eg
http://www.syslog.cc/ietf/autoarc/msg01197.html). Previously, all
numbers in syslog were expressed in ASCII digits terminated by spaces.

I can understand Anton's efficiency concerns. However, if we go for a
binary header in -transport, we could/should also reconsider that issue
in -protocol and all other syslog IDs/RFCs. Not just to keep them
consistent, but also to be as efficient as possible.

HOWEVER, I do NOT like the idea of binary numbers. I think there is good
reasoning that many modern protocols have gone away from binary and
sacrified some efficiency to do things somewhat easier. The plus in
ascii digits is:

- esay human interaction - not just reading but also (telnet) crafting
  (I couldn't envision troubleshooting SMTP configs without the ability
  telnet SMTP commands)
- it's instantly interoperable - no need for network bytes ordering
- I think it reduces implementation errors

Ffinally, in the context of syslog, we are already very far from RFC
3164. I am already very concerned if our changes will be accepted by the
implementor community. If we now move even one more step ahead and
create a fully binary protocol... I fear we would finally loose them.
And to gain some more efficiency, we could also BER-encode the
structured data elements ;)

So I short: I *strongly, strongly* advocate to keep things in ASCII. But
if we *really* go ahead and define transport to use binary data (for
efficiency), we should also go ahead and change -protocol to be binary,


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