On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Tom Petch wrote:

B) As the document is technically inadequate as a standard for syslog over TLS,
would also benefit from a fresh start with an editor without H*** in their
e-mail address.

Tom Petch


This is inappropriate.

First, remarks that discredit any group or company are not permitted within the IETF. We make progress by seeking consensus. Attacking any group or company will drive wedges between our group and I will not permit it on this mailing list.

Second, Huawei has been complying with the rules specified in RFC 3979. They have claimed some IPR in syslog-transport-tls; they have notified the Working Group; and have specified their terms in the IPR claim repository. Changing authors will not change the fact that Huawei has an IPR claim associated with the work. The authors have been responsive and active in seeking input and trying to gain consensus on the technical merits of the document. I see no reason for them to be removed or replaced.

Please do not make comments of this nature in the future.


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