Mr. Elders,

I am writing to you from, and copying the t-and-f list.  
In regards to your dismissal of Leilani Rios, and comment "Rios' job violates
the university's code of conduct, which specifies
                        that Titan athletes should behave respectably, not
cause disturbances or use foul language, and "give everyone
                        who sees them a positive image of Titan student-

My question to you:  Do you enforce this Code of Conduct based upon behavior
alone, or is it only enforced in cases where this behavior is publicized?

This is a very powerful question, and I urge you to give it some thought-  Do
you kick off the male athletes for using foul language at practice?  Or are
you sending the message that NONE of your athletes uses foul language?  
Being a former collegiate runner myself, I would have to say that there might
just be one male athlete on your team who might have violated this "Code of
Conduct" in your presence, and not dismissed.?
In other words, are you telling us that no student athlete of yours has ever
used foul language in your presence?  And if they have, did you dismiss them
from the team?

Let's take a look at this-Is it really about conduct? Or is it about your and
your facilities interpretation and selective enforcement of this "code".

Good luck, and let's make sure that we never hear a CS Fullerton athlete use
foul language at a meet.   It might be cause for dismissal.

John Schiefer

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