By the way:

A careful look at Yegorva's achievement last year will demonstarte that her 
progress was less enormous than many an athlete in the past, who still bask 
in glory - Florence Griffith-Joyner a988 amazing breakthrough first and 
foremost, but not only her

The positive EPO examination for Yegorova in Paris is not contetsed. What I 
and others (including a prominent figure in world athletics such as 
Jonathan Edwards) are concerned with is that she is singled out and 
demonized among , most likely, a non-negligible number of athletes. We have 
yet to see or read such organized protest against Merlene Ottey who was 
acquitted on a mild technicality, or Linford Christie who escaped in his 
skeen teeth from disqualification in Seoul 1988 ( among vote majority, 
wrote Sebastian Coe) and who, after being robbed of a bronze medal in the 
1991 world champs in Tokyo [Japanese starters permitting Denis Mitchel to 
run on, despite an obvious steal) , improved no less "enormously" then 
Yegorova and eventually was disqualified last year.

Is Ben Johnson a "mediocre athlete boosted by drug use" and Christie one of 
Britain's darling and greatest athletes?

A tough question, I admit.



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