Dern was the National 50 mile champ in the late 60's, early 70's.  Your
magazine, Running Times did an article on Dern in the 80's that running
saved his life.  I had the article cut out & saved, but it has been
misplaced.  It told of his high school, collegiate & post collegiate running
career.  Is there a way to track it down?  Is it saved online anywhere?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:12 AM
Subject: t-and-f: Bruce Dern (was Famous people in T&F)

> In a message dated 12/16/01 8:35:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >Bruce Dern went to college at Penn and may have competed on the track
> >but it was before my time.
> He did in fact compete and was a good half miler, but quit the team his
> year in a dispute w/ the coach (Ken Doherty? - I think the time frame is
> pre-Tupp, but it's before my time as well) over having to trim his
> Incidentally, I recall reading in an interview that his film contracts
> stipulated that he had to have at least one scene in which he was running
> (and I think that's true). IMHO, his movie based on the Dipsea (I think
> titled "Running Free") is one of the Top 10 running flicks ever, partly
> Dern looks so believable as a runner. If you watch it and don't want to go
> out for a hard 10 mile trail run, you need to check your pulse.
> Jim Gerweck
> Running Times

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