1. Garth threw the javelin.
2. They used the ankle bracelets for relay runners at the Baltimore Marathon
this year. Kinda cool, esp. b/c there were 250 teams. We all got accurate
splits, or at least semi-accurate, though stopping to undo the chip was a
pain in the butt.
3. I went back up to Baltimore to watch the U.S. Cyclocross championships
this weekend, and everybody involved with CC should check this sport out.
Imagine cross country on bikes, on a spectator-friendly loop course, with
barriers and a full production team keeping everybody up-to-date on who's
winning and what's going on. And they had a lot of fans, which is astounding
for a sport that nobody not on two wheels has heard of.
  Cyclocross is kind of low-intensity mountain biking on specially-designed
road bikes. At times racers have to get off the bike and jump over little
(maybe 18-24") barriers, or run up a flight of steps. The men did 8 (I
think) loops around a hilly, winding, muddy 3k course, and the women did 6
loops. People are falling off their bikes, getting lapped, covered with
mud--it's absolutely wild.
  And enough companies are involved (Saturn, several health-insurance
outfits, manufacturers) to get TV time on the Outdoor Life Network, which
yielded constant music, announcers, and a decent-sized crowd. Imagine a
Nascar production where everybody smokes a lot of pot sted of chewing a lot
of tobacco, and you get an idea of what the scene was like.
  Road races/cross country/running in general could stand to steal a few
ideas from this bunch.

> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:36:42 EST
> Subject: RE: t-and-f: ChampionChip Timing systems (was European Cross Coun try
> Champs)
> In a message dated Mon, 17 Dec 2001 10:20:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> "Mcewen, Brian T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Rather than have a 5 x 2k multi-loop setup for NCAA's that (in my opinion)
>> turns it into a track race on grass, I don't see why they couldn't have
>> sensors set up at 4k/6k/8k or 3k/6k/9k or something, on a normal course.  If
>> the MHSAA can afford it, then the NCAA should be able to.  Or should want
>> to.
> Why do you feel a short loop turns a cross race into a track race on grass?
> There's still hills, mud, turns, etc. The only difference is a spectator can
> see virtually the entire race. It makes it more of a fan-friendly event, which
> surely athletes will appreciate and approve of.
> sideshow

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