> I read in a post here that someone had the same idea as me:
> To extend the taglib.tld with comments so I could write
> the definition and the documentation in the same file.
> I plan to use this extended taglib format (xml of course) to generate
> the taglib.tld file and documentation (Xalan & Cocoon). I have also plans
> to make it possible to generate skeleton classes and ant files (Xalan).

That was me :)

> What do you people think? If people are interested I can post
> some examples as my work progresses. As for now I only have
> a preliminary xml format with support for multiple languages. And
> have started on a xsl template to generate the documentation.

You're way ahead of where I am-I have an "info" field for the
tag attributes and that's almost the only difference :/

> Anyway, I want to present the tags in the same manner as on
> jakarta.apache.org so I wondered if anyone has made a xsl stylesheet
> for this that generates the pages from html. I would really apreciate it.

My XSL is crappy; I was just playing around (I know almost nothing
about XML/XSL/etc) so it was really quite sophmoric.

I'd definitely like to see this happen, though, and if it's something
that is globally useful that'd be a cool bonus!


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