Sorry, but if the purpose of taglibs is, among other things,
to make the code more readable and maintainable then such
tricks are not helping this goal, IMHO.

Also - what about nested "if/else"?

Starts to look like old-fasioned basic to me (the one on
Genie II and XT ROM Basic, not Visual Basic) :-)

I'll stick to scriptlets for now, as much as I'd like to
avoid them.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: RE: If/Else tag?

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, [utf-8] Amos Shapira wrote:

> I considered this but:
> 1. It's not always clear (especially if the predicate is complex) that the
>     "else" predicate is the opposite of the "if".
> 2. Worse - whenever you change the "if" predicate you have to remember
>     to change the "else" too.  Very unmaintainable over time.
> 3. It's not clear that the two are actually related to each other.
> 4. You have to consider side-effects (as you said - if the "if" changes
>     "x", but also if the evaluation of "x" has side effects).

Simple. Just set a DIFFERENT flag variable whenever you trip the "real IF"
and test the _flag_ for the "ELSE".

In pseudocode:

x_else_flag = true;

if x then x_else_flag = false; blah blah blah;
if x_else_flag then do_the_else_thingy;


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