I've been looking into using xtags for xslt transformations and initial
thoughts look good. One question I can't fathom out at present is how to
supply the xml (or xsl) as anything other than a url or a string. If, for
instance I already have the xml available in the page as a
javax.xml.transform.Source it seems pretty dumb to serialize it to a string,
only for xalan to have to build it back into dom/sax.

There appear to be attributes for the xtags:style tag for xmlSource,
xmlReader etc, but I can't figure out how to use these. Something like  this
(oversimplistic example) seems right, but isn't:

<%! javax.xml.transform.Source source; %>

source = 
new javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource("file:///C:/tmp/theXml.xml");

<xtags:style xsl="file:///C:/dev/theXsl.xsl"

I guess this is pretty basic stuff, but then so is my usage of Jsp and
taglibs! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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