Using the web.xml and poolman.xml from your original post, I get:

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

I'm using Sybase and jconn2.jar (which I've placed in every conceivable 
location) with Tomcat 4.0. I switched from Resin because I found deploying 
webapps easier in Tomcat, but if DBTags and pooling work in Resin with your 
instructions I will go back!

Did you have any trouble compiling DBTags? I thought I read a message 
mentioning it?

Thanks a lot for your help,

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:21:52 -0800
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)

Hi Bill,

I got it working:

Resin 2.0.2 / DBTAGS / PoolMan

There are a few things you have to do to get it working:

In the DBTags source:

In the doEndTag function add Class.forName(_driver).newInstance();

like this:

if (_driver != null) {

Also in:

    * If I understand the new JSP spec correctly, release()
    * is NOT called between invocations of a cached taglib,
    * so I guess we do it manually or write a new method.
    * @return EVAL_PAGE constant
   public int doEndTag() {
        release()   => remove this !!!
     return EVAL_PAGE;

More info see:

(fixes a null pointer exception with Resin)

My xml configuration:

in web.xml:

         Which Database to access and where it is located

         JDBC Driver

         DB user id

         DB password





     <!-- ============================== -->
     <!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
     <!-- ============================== -->

     <!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->

     <!-- Transaction Isolation Level, an optional value that,    -->
     <!-- if present, must be one of the following:               -->
     <!--   NONE                                                  -->
     <!--   READ_COMMITTED                                        -->
     <!--   READ_UNCOMMITTED                                      -->
     <!--   REPEATABLE_READ                                       -->
     <!--   SERIALIZABLE                                          -->
     <!-- If the value is misspelled or ommitted, the default     -->
     <!-- will be applied. The value is not case-sensitive.       -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: READ COMITTED                                  -->

     <!-- If the following element is set to true, then PoolMan's  -->
     <!-- scrollable/updatable ResultSet will not be used, and the -->
     <!-- underlying driver's ResultSet will be used instead. This -->
     <!-- provides a performance gain in certain rare instances at -->
     <!-- the expense of functionality.                            -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: false                                           -->

     <!-- If set to true, the following attribute will cause  -->
     <!-- all PreparedStatements to be pooled and reused      -->
     <!-- rather than recreated with each invocation.         -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: true                                       -->

     <!-- ======================== -->
     <!-- Pool Behavior Attributes -->
     <!-- ======================== -->

     <!-- Connections created when the pool is instantiated -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 1                                        -->

     <!-- The pool will never shrink below this number -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 0                                   -->

     <!-- The pool will never grow larger than this value -->

     <!-- If the maximum size of a pool is reached but requests  -->
     <!-- are still waiting on objects, PoolMan will create new  -->
     <!-- emergency objects if this value is set to true. This   -->
     <!-- will temporarily increase the size of the pool, but    -->
     <!-- the pool will shrink back down to acceptable size      -->
     <!-- automatically when the skimmer activates. If this      -->
     <!-- value is set to false, the requests will sit and wait  -->
     <!-- until an object is available.                          -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: true                                          -->

     <!-- The connection will be destroyed after living for a     -->
     <!-- duration of this value. IN SECONDS.                     -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 1200 (20 minutes)                              -->

     <!-- A user will lose a Connection and it will automatically -->
     <!-- return to its pool after the duration greater than or   -->
     <!-- equal to this value. If this value is set to 0 or less, -->
     <!-- no user timeout will be enforced. IN SECONDS.           -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 20                                             -->

     <!-- How frequently each object's connection timeout and     -->
     <!-- user timeout values will be examined for collection.    -->
     <!-- IN SECONDS.                                             -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 420 (7 minutes)                                -->

     <!-- Each time the pool is sized down, how many connections  -->
     <!-- should be removed from it? This value prevents backing  -->
     <!-- off the pool too quickly.                               -->

     <!-- Where should log and debug information be printed?      -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: System.out                                     -->

     <!-- If set to true, the logger will display verbose info    -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->

     <!-- XA Connection Attributes   -->

     <!-- Query Cache Attributes-->

     <!-- If enabled, queries will be cached. The cache is        -->
     <!-- asynchronously updated in the background.               -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->

     <!-- The maximum number of query/ResultSet pairs the         -->
     <!-- cache can contain.                                      -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 5                                              -->

     <!-- How long the cache waits before re-loading its          -->
     <!-- ResultSets from the underlying database.                -->
     <!-- IN SECONDS.                                             -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: 30                                             -->

     <!-- A SQL statement to be executed when the pool is created.-->
     <!-- DEFAULT: none                                           -->
        insert into users values(32, 'xml')

     <!-- A SQL statement to be excuted every time a Connection   -->
     <!-- is accessed.                                            -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: none                                           -->
        insert into users values(1010, 'con')

     <!-- Whether a SQLException should cause the Connection to   -->
     <!-- be removed from the pool and destroyed.                 -->
     <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->


   <!-- NOTE: You could add more <datasource> entries and create -->
   <!-- multiple pools, if you so desired.                       -->

   <!-- ========================================= -->
   <!-- Admin via JMX HTML Adapter. Disable this  -->
   <!-- (at least comment it out) for production  -->
   <!-- environments. When enabled, point your    -->
   <!-- web browser to the localhost:[port] to    -->
   <!-- view the JMX html admin agent.            -->
   <!-- This agent is not created if the          -->
   <!-- management-mode element above is set      -->
   <!-- to "local" instead of to "jmx"            -->
   <!-- ========================================= -->


I'm using poolman 2.1 beta and mysql 2.0.7 jdbc driver.

What are the error messages you are receiving ?

Best regards,
Wim Bervoets

 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Bill Moss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > Sent: woensdag 12 december 2001 15:50
 > Subject: DBTags and connection pooling, jndi, etc.
 > How does one configure Tomcat & DBTags to use a pool manager
 > like Poolman?
 > There were a few posts about this but nothing concrete. Is
 > anyone pooling
 > DBTags connections? I'd like at least to pool and ideally to
 > pool using a
 > jndiName... Any configuration on basic datasource or jndi
 > pooling would be
 > very helpful (e.g. web.xml, proper jars, classpath, jdk/j2ee, etc.).
 > Were Wim's
 > [
 > sg00957.html]
 > config settings correct?
 > I have the poolman-webapp demo working with my db, but it
 > uses Struts and
 > Velocity to demo.
 > Thanks,
 > Bill
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