Hi There , I have a problem whereby i intially created a Postgresql 
database connection that worked thus pulled the data usuing the 
<sql:getColumn position=""/  > statement . Thus I have a advanced 
Application Planning Form using jsp and a bean that validate's the 
user's data.

Thus after the data is successful is passed to my success.jsp page . 
whereby i have tried then to  <jsp: foward page=" processDb.jsp"/> as 
this page has the  insert statement tag's   <sql:query> and <sql:escapeSql>.

Thus prior to getting the validation form bean working  the 
<sql:escapeSql><%=request.getFirstName( )%></sql:escapeSql> etc etc worked.
as this was getting the data from the rendered html/jsp page. Hence 
since the Validation Bean is working the Statement tag's don't insert 
data to my DB.

I have tried getting the valid data from the bean - 
<%=request.getProperty ("firstName")
        <%=request.getFirstName( )

 So far these don't work any suggestions not my jsp are in the 
scope="request" i have changed to session scope but agian recieved errors.

      <jsp:useBean id="formHandler" class"FormBean" scope="request"/>  

Cheers Chuck Amadi

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